Hometown: Originally: Preston, England Billed from Manchester, England
Marital Status: Single
Height and Weight 6'7" - 275 lbs
Trained by: Jon Richie Al Snow Debut:
Previous Names: "The Pinnacle" Stu Sanders Stu Bennett (FCW) Lawrence Knight (FCW) Wade Barrett (FCW/WWE)
Finishing Move: The Spine Buster
Favorite Moves: The Big Boot European Uppercut The Power-bomb
Notable Feuds: Dave Jackson Sheamus O'Shaunessey Shawn Spears Colt Cabana John Cena The Big Show
Title History
Dropkixx IWC Heavyweigt Champion defeating Danny Beckwith (June 2005); OVW (Ohio Valley Wrestling) Southern Tag Team titles w/Paul Burchill defeating Colt Cabana & Charles Evans (January 2, 2008); FCW Florida Tag Team titles w/Drew McIntyre defeating Eddie Colon & Eric Perez (May 6, 2008); WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) NXT Season 1 Winner defeating David Otunga in the Final 2 (2010); WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) Intercontinental title defeating Kofi Kingston (March 25, 2011);