The Outlaw
Real Name
Monty "Kip" Sopp
November 11, 1963
Houston, Texas
268 lbs
Marital Status
Trained by
Jerry Gray
Previous Names
Kip Winchester (IWF)
Billy Gunn (WWF/E)
Rockabilly (WWF)
Mr. Ass (WWF)
"The One" Billy Gunn (WWF)
Kip Sopp
The New Age Outlaw
Billy G.
The Outlaw (TNA)
The G Man (Canada)
Finishing Move(s)
The Gunn Slinger (Swinging Uranage)
Super DDT (as Rockabilly)
The Fam-ass-er (as Mr. Ass)
Favorite Move(s)
Body Press Slam
The One and only
Hip Toss into Neckbreaker
The Jackhammer
Hanging Powerslam
Running Corner Body Press
Running Leaping Corner Splash
Tilt-a-Whirl Sideslam
Notable Feuds
Owen Hart
The Bodydonnas
The Godwinns
Legion of Doom
The Rock
Flash Funk
Chris Jericho
The Hurricane
Shannon Moore
Rosey & Jamal
Eric Bischoff
Kevin Nash (TNA)
Syxx-Pac (TNA)
3-Live Krew
Team Canada
LAX w/Konnan
Team 3-D
Vince McMahon
"Shawn" & "Paul"
Christy Hemme
Basham & Damaja
Lance Hoyt
BG James
Matt Morgan
Taylor Wilde
Title History
(Florida) IWF Tag Team titles ();
WWF World Tag Team titles w/Bart Gunn defeating Bob Holly & 1-2-3 Kid (January 23, 1995);
WWF World Tag Team titles w/Bart Gunn defeating Yokozuna & Owen Hart (September 25, 1995);
WWF World Tag Team titles w/Bart Gunn defeating Henry & Phidas Godwinn (May 26, 1996);
WWF World Tag Team titles w/Roaddog defeating Legion of Doom (November 24, 1997);
WWF World Tag Team titles w/Roaddog defeating Cactus Jack & Terry Funk (March 30, 1998);
WWF World Tag Team titles w/Roaddog defeating Mankind in a Handicap Match (August 30, 1998);
WWF Hardcore title defeating Hardcore Holly (March 15, 1999);
WWF World Tag Team titles w/Roaddog defeating Mankind & The Rock (September 21, 1999);
WWF World Tag Team titles w/Roaddog defeating Mankind & Al Snow (November 8, 1999);
WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight title defeating Eddy Guerrero (November 21, 2000);
WWF Hardcore title defeating Raven (February 25, 2001);
WWF World Tag Team titles w/Chuck Palumbo defeating Spike Dudley & Tazz (February 19, 2002);
WWE World Tag Team titles w/Chuck Palumbo defeating Rico & Rikishi (June 4, 2002);
MCW (Maryland Championship Wrestling) Tag Team titles w/BG James defeating Holly Rollers &
The Slackers in a 3 Way Tag Team match (February 26, 2006);
WPW (World Pro Wrestling) Heavyweight title defeating ?????? ();