ROH 2006 Results
Ring of Honor - Hell Freezes Over
January 14, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
TOP OF CLASS TROPHY MATCH: Derek Dempsey defeated Shane Hagadorn and Smash Bradley and Pelle Primeau..
DARK MATCH: Jack Evans defeated Trik Davis..
MATCH: Austin Aries defeated Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes..
Austin Aries & Roderick Strong came out to cut promos then Aries called out Ricky Reyes to settle some business..
Ricky Reyes applied the Dragon-choke but Aries pushed back with his legs and pinned Reyes' shoulders to the mat!
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuiness defeated Tony Mamaluke to retain the Pure title..
TAG MATCH: The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley) defeated Claudio Castagnoli & Azriel (sub for Colt Cabana)..
FIP TITLE 3-WAY: American Dragon w/Dave Prazak beat Roderick Strong and Homicide (Champion) to win the FIP title!!
This was scheduled to be Homicide (shoulder injury) vs Roderick Strong in a singles match for the FIP title..
Dave Prazak (of DP Associates) came out and challenged Homicide to make a 3-WAY Dance for the championship..
Colt Cabana attacked Homicide and took him out for most of the match, only for Homicide to return later on..
Homicide returned to the ring and tapped out to American Dragon's arm-breaker to give Dragon the FIP title!
MATCH: Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger defeated Jay Lethal..
After the match, Samoa Joe ran down to attack Jay Lathal, but Lethal escaped and Chris Daniels fought with Joe..
Jay Lethal snuck back in and low-blowed Samoa Joe. BJ Whitmer ran down and gave Chris Daniels an Exploder!
BJ Whitmer said he never forgave Chris Daniels for walking out on The Prophecy and leaving ROH 2 years ago..
BJ Whitmer left and Samoa Joe gave Christopher Daniels a brutal yakuza kick to the face!
6-MAN MAYHEM: Jack Evans defeated Adam Pearce and Salvatore Rinauro and Trik Davis and Kid Mikaze and Jason Blade..
MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated BJ Whitmer by Knockout..
MATCH: AJ Styles defeated Matt Sydel..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Chris Hero to retain..
Chris Hero was accompanied by CZW's Adam Flash, Necro Butcher, Nate Webb and referee Bryce Remsburg..
After the match, The Embassy tried to "buy" the ROH belt from American Dragon, but Dragon refused..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Tag Wars '06
January 27, 2006 - Dayton, Ohio
ROH STUDENT MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Rhett Titus..
ROH STUDENT MATCH: Lotus defeated Crazy J..
ROH STUDENT MATCH: Smash Bradley & Marco Cordova & Jayson Reign defeated The Dempsey Brothers & Pelle Primaeu..
SEMI FINALS: Matt Sydal & Jimmy Yang & Jack Evans defeated Adam Pearce & Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer w/Lacey..
They teased desention between Lacey's Angel's (Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer) after the match was over..
SEMI FINALS: The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley & Abyss) defeated Tony Mamaluke & Sal Rinauro & Jay Fury..
MATCH: Claudio Castagnoli defeated Chad Collyer with help from Ace Steel..
During the match, CZW's Chris Hero & Necro Butcher arrived and sat down with the crowd of fans..
Chad Collyer tried to use a steel chair but Ace Steel ran out and prevented it and cost Collyer the victory..
Ace Steel said "You can't kill what doesn't die.. I DON'T DIE!" and challenged Collyer to a match in Chicago!
Ace Steel then said he came to Dayton to "kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of bubble gum!"..
MATCH: Ace Steel vs Sterling James Keenan ended in a No Contest..
Ace Steel got the house mic and challenged Chris Hero and Necro Butcher to a fight -- they accepted..
The Ring of Honor locker room emptied for a huge brawl resulting in Hero & Butcher being thrown out..
(Exclusive to DVD) The scene backstage was even more chaotic with Hero & Butcher causing a lot of trouble..
(Exclusive to DVD) Jim Cornette was assaulted by an unknown assailant and yelled at Gabe Sapolski for the mayhem..
IN THE RING: Commissioner Jim Cornette (bloody mouth) & Adam Pearce..
Jim Cornette said he didn't come to Dayton 'by God' Ohio to get his mouth bloodied by a bunch of "garbage wrestlers"..
Jim Cornette said "those two punk" tried to disrupt the show and they don't have 1/10th of the talant as ROH wrestlers..
Jim Cornette said they have come to a real wrestling show trying to finally make a name for themselves..
Jim Cornette challenged Combat Zone Wrestling to a "fight" at the ECW Arena on 3/11 at Arena Warfare..
NON (PURE) TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Delirious to retain..
GRUDGE MATCH: Low Ki defeated Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger..
Allison Danger got on the apron to protest Low Ki's agressiveness, Ki dragged her in by the hair; Daniels saved her!
After the match, Christopher Daniels extended his hand (for the 1st time ever) to Low Ki, but Low Ki refused to shake it..
TRIOS FINAL: The Embassy defeated Generation Next to win the Trios Tournament!
The Embassy = Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley & Abyss w/Prince Nana & Daizee Haze..
Generation Next = Jack Evans & Matt Sydal & Jimmy Yang..
Abyss was going to do a dive, but Alex Shelley tagged himself in and slapped Abyss accross the face..
Abyss grabbed Alex Shelley by the throat and was going to choke-slam him but he didn't and settled down..
Alex Shelley hit Jimmy Yang with the Sliced Bread #2, but Jimmy Rave hit Yang with the Pedigree and stole the pin!
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated American Dragon & Jay Lethal to retain..
Roderick Strong made ROH & FIP Champion American Dragon tap out with the Stronghold submission...
Roderick Strong said American Dragon owes him another title shot and he is going to take what he wants..
The Embassy attacked American Dragon after the match until Generation Next made the save!
Notes: This part was inexplicably left off the DVD release of Tag Wars 2006..
Generation Next asked Matt Sydal to reconsider his decision to join AJ Styles and challenge for the tag titles..
BJ Whitmer confronted Lacey about comments she made on past DVDs and fired her while Jimmy Jacobs stayed loyal..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Dissension
January 28, 2006 - Cleveland, Ohio
STUDENT MATCH: Jayson Reign & Marco Cordova defeated Derek Dempsey & Pele Primeau..
STUDENT MATCH: Bobby Dempsey & Smash Bradley defeated Mitch Franklin & Richard Titus..
TAG MATCH: Crazy J & Lotus defeated Conrad Kennedy III & Shane Haggadorn..
MATCH: Adam Pearce defeated Jay Fury..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette & Adam Pearce + Necro Butcher..
Jim Cornette was interrupted when CZW's Necro Butcher appeared in the crowd holding a ticket in his hand..
Jim Cornette said he wasn't a wrestler, but neither was Necro Butcher, and challenged him to a fight!
Adam Pearce stepped in and offered to fight for Cornette and pulled Butcher over the rail and a riot ensued..
Half the ROH roster came out and detained Necro Butcher and aggressively ejected him from the building...
MATCH: Jimmy Yang defeated Jay Lethal..
6-MAN TAG: Tony Mamaluke & Sal Rinauro & Delirious defeated The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley & Abyss)..
MATCH: Low Ki defeated Jack Evans (Evans took a brutal beating at the hands of Low Ki)..
ANYTHING GOES TAG MATCH: Claudio Castagnoli & Ace Steel defeated Nigel McGuinness & Chad Collyer..
Nigel McGuinness protested the "Relaxed Rules" stipulation and banned punches, kickes, tables and chairs..
Jim Cornette came out and said he agreed but was in a different mood and wanted to see someone's ass get kicked!
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Lacey's Angels (Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer w/Lacey)..
Jimmy Jacobs was not focused on the match, instead he spent his time paying attention to Lacey at ringside..
After the match, Jimmy Jacobs spoke to Lacey, and completely ignored BJ Whitmer, who was upset at Jacobs..
BJ Whitmer finally had enough of his partner and hit him with the Exploder and left the ring..
MATCH: Christopher Daniels (injured knee) defeated Matt Sydal (injured neck)..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated AJ Styles to retain..
American Dragon wanted to shake hands, but AJ Styles instead spit in Dragon's hand! (all in good fun)
American Dragon countered by getting A.J. Styles in the corner and spitting on his face! (not so much)
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Unscripted II
February 11, 2006 - Lake Grove, New York
STUDENT MATCH: Smash Bradley & Bobby Dempsey defeated Rick Titus & Keenan Quinn..
MATCH: TOP OF CLASS TROPHY MATCH: Derek Dempsey defeated Shane Hagadorn..
TRIPLE THREAT MATCH: Adam Pierce defeated Pelle Primeau and Mitch Franklin..
This started out as a singles match between Primeau and Franklin but Adam Pearce interjected himself..
Adam Pearce quickly defeated the two ROH trainees and then got a chair and sat down at ringside to wait..
IN THE RING: Julius Smokes & Grim Reefer + C.M. Punk returned to ROH + Adam Pearce + Colt Cabana + Prince Nana..
Julius Smokes said that Homicide wasn't there but he brought Rotweiller Grim Reefer to fight Colt Cabana..
C.M. Punk returned to ROH and cut a promo before he was attacked by Adam Pearce until Colt Cabana made the save..
The Embassy's Prince Nana came out and laughed on the microphone and said "that's what you get!" and left...
C.M. Punk then confronted Colt Cabana about his "transformation" leading to Cabana walking out on Punk..
Colt Cabana said he didn't need C.M. Punk's help and was jumped by Grim Reefer to start their match..
MATCH: Colt Cabana defeated Grim Reefer w/Julius Smokes with a Lariat..
MATCH: Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes defeated Kid Mikaze..
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Austin Aries to retain the Pure title!
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Xavier w/Prince Nana by DQ to retain the ROH title!
Jimmy Rave attacked American Dragon and C.M. Punk made the save -- but Adam Pearce attacked C.M. Punk...
The Embassy retreated and C.M. Punk asked American Dragon to team up with him again Rave & Pearce later..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Jimmy Yang defeated Azrieal and Jerrelle Clark and Jason Blade..
#1 CONTENDERS MATCH: Roderick Strong defeated B.J. Whitmer (Whitmer refused to shake hands)..
MAIN EVENT: American Dragon & C.M. Punk defeated The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Adam Pearce)..
American Dragon said if Punk ever quits the "entertainment" business to come back to the "wrestling" business..
C.M. Punk cut a long speech and verbally destroyed a fan in the crowd who was saying that he "sold out" to WWE..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - 4th Anniversary Show
February 25, 2006 - Edison, New Jersey
KICK OFF: They did a 10-bell salut for Johnny Grunge - who passed away recently..
TAG 3-WAY: The Briscoe Brothers defeated Tony Mamaluke & Salvatore Rinauro and Jason Blade & Kid Mikaze..
FOUR CORNER SURVIVAL: Adam Pearce defeated Claudio Castagnoli and Jay Fury and Azrieal..
GRUDGE MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated Jay Lethal..
MATCH: Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger & Lacey vs B.J. Whitmer ended in a No Contest..
Chris Hero, Necro Butcher and a few of CZW wrestlers hijacked the Ring of Honor as Hero taunted the fans..
Adam Pearce lead the charge and broke through the barrier and speared Chris Hero in the middle of the ring..
The ROH locker room emptied and a huge intense riot broke out with ROH reclaiming their ring from CZW....
Samoa Joe came out and took the fight to Chris Hero after Chris Hero yelled that nobody could stop him..
ROH was left standing in the ring when suddenly the Briscoe Brothers attacked Austin Aries & Roderick Strong..
Out of no-where, Homicide & Colt Cabana spilled into the arena brawling and starting their Street Fight..
GHETTO STREET FIGHT: Homicide w/Julius Smokes defeated Colt Cabana..
The match initially ended when the referee stopped it due to Colt Cabana not being in any condition to continue..
Colt Cabana got the microphone and told Homicide that the fight wasn't over and he would have to kill him to win..
Homicide came back and the match was restarted -- until the referee stopped the match again due to interference..
Homicide, Julius Smokes, and Ricky Reyes tied Colt Cabana to the corner ropes with tape and were beating on him..
Homicide told Cabana "it's over!" and left -- Colt Cabana was untied by the referee and then called Homicide back!
Homicide came back and the match was again restarted but ended with Homicide piledriving Cabana through a table..
The referee stopped the match for the last time and Homicide told Cabana that nobody messes with his personal life..
STUDENT MATCH: Bobby Dempsey defeated Mitch Franklin (Not Shown on DVD)..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana to retain..
MATCH: Ricky Reyes defeated Jack Evans by Submission..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated A.J. Styles & Matt Sydal to retain..
Everybody shook hands after the match and then the Briscoe Brothers attacked Austin Aries & Roderick Strong..
AJ Styles & Matt Sydal of course made the save and the Briscoes retreated saying they wanted the tag belts...
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Arena Warfare
March 11, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - ECW Arena
TAG SCRAMBLE: Homicide & Ricky Reyes beat Ring Crew Express and Jason Blade & Kid Mikaze and The Briscoes..
IN THE RING: BJ Whitmer called out CZW's Necro Butcher - but he didn't show up (crowd was pro-CZW)..
MATCH: Roderick Strong defeated Jimmy Yang by Submission..
IN THE RING: BJ Whitmer + Necro Butcher + Super Dragon..
BJ Whitmer came out once more and called out CZW's Necro Butcher, who actually appeared this time..
BJ Whitmer brawled with Necro Butcher for a few minuted until CZW's Super Dragon came out to help Butcher..
Several ROH Students and members of the ROH roster ran down to make the save along with Mark & Jay Briscoe..
MATCH: Austin Aries defeated Matt Sydal..
After the match, The Briscoes attacked Austin Aries until Roderick Strong made the save..
Matt Sydal challenged The Briscoe Brothers to a tag team match on ROH's 100th show..
TAG MATCH: The Dempsey Brothers defeated Pelle Primeau & Shane Hagadorn (Not on DVD)..
TAG MATCH: Irish Airborne (Jake & David Crist) defeated Salvatore Rinauro & Tony Mamaluke..
The team of "Irish Airborne", Jake & David Crist are better by their other names -- Crazy J & Lotus..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Alex Shelley w/Prince Nana to retain the ROH World title..
Very bizarre atmosphere after both men cut extremely hot heel promos to make sure the crowd hated both of them...
The crowd reacted by chanting "Boring!" throughout the match -- but both guys were still over with the audience..
The crowd may have played along by hating both men but they did give a very warm standing ovation afterwards..
MAIN EVENT - PART I: Colt Cabana defeated Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger..
Colt Cabana has a new entrance song with a special Ring of Honor theme --- nice vibe to it....
This was scheduled and advertised as a 3-WAY including Samoa Joe, but Joe was late arriving to the show..
Samoa Joe eventually showed up wearing street clothes and challenged the winner to a match right after..
MAIN EVENT - PART II: Samoa Joe defeated Colt Cabana...
Colt Cabana actually kicked out after a Muscle-buster AND reaches the ropes in the Kokina Clutch..
Samoa Joe was surpised, but recovered enough to hit a second Muscle-buster to put Cabana away..
EXTRA CIRRICULAR ACTIVITY: Ring of Honor vs Combat Zone..
BJ Whitmer hit the ring and called out the Combat Zone Wrestling guys and engaged in a massive brawl!
Necro Butcher & Super Dragon and some other CZW guys brawled with ROH's BJ Whitmer & Samoa Joe..
Several ROH students as well as members of Generation Next showed up to give Ring of Honor the advantage..
More CZW wrestlers showed up to join the battle and managed to get the vicious upper hand on Ring of Honor..
Ruckus, Sabian & others paired off with Generation Next to set up a 6-MAN Tag for CZW's show later that day..
Other CZW guys spotted: Sonjay Dutt, B-Boy, Jon Dahmer, Spyder Nate Webb, Maven Bentley, Blackout and others..
The CZW roster, led by Ultraviolent promoter John Zandig, proceeded to give BJ Whitmer a beating gang-style..
John Zandig, Lobo, Wifebeater, Justice Pain, Nick Gage and Super Dragon duct taped BJ Whitmer to the ropes..
The CZW invaders brought their weapons with them, including a staple gun, barbed-wire bat, and weed whacker..
John Zandig stapled BJ Whitmer's head and stomach and then spray painted the "CZW" on his back (nWo flashback)..
The CZW invaders began destroying the Ring of Honor set including all the guard rail signs and banners..
They went one step further and spray painted "CZW" over top of the ROH logo in the middle of the ring..
Other CZW wrestlers involved in the destruction included: Wifebeater, Justice Pain, Nick Gage, Lobo. etc..
About 20 CZW guys hung around the ring torturing BJ Whitmer and tormenting any fan who showed ROH support..
John Zandig held a barbed wire bat to BJ Whitmer's head and demanded a microphone but the DVD ended...
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Best In The World
March 25, 2006 - New York City, New York
MATCH: Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana defeated Pelle Primeau..
MATCH: Jimmy Yang w/Bruce LeRoy defeated Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana..
SHIMMER 4-WAY: Allison Danger defeated Lacey and Daizee Haze and Mercedes Martinez..
OPEN CHALLENGE: Chris Hero & Necro Butcher defeated Jason Blade & Kid Mizake..
Jason Blade & Kid Mizake issued open challenge and were destroyed by CZW's Chris Hero & Necro Butcher..
Chris Hero (who was granted his choice of ROH opponent) called out Adam Pearce for their match..
Adam Pearce came out and started brawling with Necro Butcher until Butcher was put through a Table!
ROH VS CZW MATCH: Adam Pearce vs Chris Hero w/Necro Butcher ended in an "unpopular" No Contest..
Chris Hero called for Claudio Castagnoli to come out and help administer a beat-down on Adam Pearce..
Claudio Castagnoli came out and proved his loyalty to ROH and turned on the two CZW wrestlers!!
MATCH: Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger defeated Alex Shelley w/Prince Nana & Daizee Haze..
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Claudio Castagnoli to retain the Pure title..
MATCH: Austin Aries defeated Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes by Disqualification..
Ricky Reyes got a choke submission on Austin Aries, who reached the rope, but Reyes wouldn't break it..
The referee disqualified Ricky Reyes for not releasing the hold (not a popular decision with fans)..
Roderick Strong & Jack Evans made the save, followed by the Briscoe Brothers attacking Strong & Evans..
TAG MATCH: Roderick Strong & Jack Evans defeated The Briscoe Brothers..
INTERNATIONAL TAG MATCH: KENTA & Naomichi Marufuji defeated American Dragon & Samoa Joe..
Samoa Joe and KENTA refused to shake hands before and after the match..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Dragon Gate Challenge
March 30, 2006 - Detroit, Michigan
(DARK MATCH) 4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Mitch Franklin defeated Smash Bradley and Derrick Dempsey and Bobby Dempsey..
(DARK MATCH) SHIMMER SHOWCASE: Lacey & Tiana Ringer defeated Allison Danger & Shantelle Taylor...
FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH: Homicide w/Julius Smokes defeated Colt Cabana..
Colt Cabana started the show saying he can't wait until after intermission and called out Homicide to start the match..
Homicide sandwiched Colt Cabana in a Ladder to win the match after about seven minutes to "win the feud" over Cabana..
MATCH: Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes defeated Chad Collyer by Submission with the Dragon Sleeper..
GRUDGE MATCH: B.J. Whitmer defeated Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey..
Lacey promised to let Jimmy Jacobs give her a foot massage in the locker room if he can "take out" BJ Whitmer..
BJ Whitmer went for a Power-bomb off the top rope but slipped and fell backwards, and Jacobs' head hit the apron!
After the show-stealing match, Jimmy Jacobs refused to shake his former partner hand to respect ROH tradition..
B.J. Whitmer said if Chris Hero & Necro Butcher were in the building that he would be waiting for them...
DRAGON GATE CHALLENGE MATCH #1: Ryo Saito defeated Jimmy Yang..
TAG MATCH: Alex Shelley & Jimmy Rave (w/Prince Nana & Daizee Haze) beat American Dragon & Delirious..
MATCH: Claudio Castagnoli defeated Shane Haggadorn...
After match, CZW's Chris Hero & Necro Butcher jumped the rail and into the ring to confront Claudio Castagnoli..
Chris Hero said Claudio Castagnoli was his best friend and would forgive him if he joined CZW against Ring of Honor.
BJ Whitmer ran out and Chris Hero & Necro Butcher beat on him until Double C came to his senses and saved Whitmer..
TAG MATCH: A.J. Styles & Matt Sydal defeated Dragon Kid & Genki Horiguchi..
6-MAN TAG: CIMA & Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino defeated Austin Aries & Roderick Strong & Jack Evans..
GRUDGE MATCH: Christopher Daniels defeated Samoa Joe..
It took an Angel's Wings and three consecutive Best Moonsault Evers to finish off Samoa Joe..
This marks the first time in Ring of Honor history that Chris Daniels pinned Samoa Joe in a singles match..
After the match, Chris Hero & Necro Butcher showed up again and Hero bragged about beating everyone in ROH..
Chris Hero & Necro Butcher attacked Samoa Joe (Daniels & Danger left) until B.J. Whitmer returned for the save!
Samoa Joe said he didn't care about ROH vs CZW but how his eyes were open and he "declared WAR!"..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Super Card of Honor
March 31, 2006 - Chicago Ridge, Illinois
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette & Lt. Commissioner Adam Pearce..
DVD Exclusive: Jim Cornette revealed that Low-Ki was the one who knocked his tooth out and banned him for life!
Jim Cornette came out and cut a promo praisig ROH and cut an anti-CZW speech to get the crowd pumped up..
Jim Cornette said BJ Whitmer had a broken ankle because some CZW guys attacked him after last night's show..
Jim Cornette had his Louisville baseball bat with him and promised to use it if any CZW wrestlers showed up..
Jim Cornette brought out two skinny masked wrestlers (ROH Students) and called them "hardcore" wrestlers..
Jim Cornette said he found a couple of opponents from the ROH roster to take on the two hardcore wrestlers..
TAG MATCH: Samoa Joe & Adam Pearce defeated two masked "hardcore" wrestlers (ROH students).....
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Ricky Reyes defeated Delirious and Flash Flanagan and Shane Hagadorn..
TAG MATCH: The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley) defeated Claudio Castagnoli & Jimmy Yang..
After the match, Chris Hero showed up and stole the microphone from ring announcer Bobby Cruise..
Chris Hero said Claudio Castagnoli used to be his best friend and then started throwing chairs towards the ring..
A bunch of ROH students tackles Chris Hero and threw him out of the building (for the time being).........
FIRST BLOOD MATCH: Ace Steel defeated Chad Collyer..
TAG MATCH: Matt Sydal (bloodied) & AJ Styles defeated Austin Aries & Jack Evans..
DRAGON GATE: Do Fixer (Dragon Kid/Genki Horiguchi/Ryo Saito) beat Blood Generation (CIMA/Nauki Doi/Masato Yoshino)..
This match started with fast-paced action and ended with ultra-fast-paced action with chants of "This Is Awesome!"..
CIMA shook hands with all three members of Do Fixer, which didn't set well with Nauki Doi & Masato Toshino..
SHIMMER 6-WAY: MsChif defeated Cheerleader Melissa and Allison Danger and Daizee Haze and Lacey and Rain..
SQUASH MATCH: Homicide defeated Mitch Franklin..
Colt Cabana (concussion) came out and had a lengthy brawl with Homicide resulting in Cabana getting busted open..
Homicide pulled a ladder from under the ring put Cabana's head between the ladder and smashed on it with a chair!
IN THE RING: Chris Hero & Necro Butcher + Adam Pearce & Claudio Castagnoli + Jim Cornette + Samoa Joe & BJ Whitmer..
CZW's Chris Hero & Necro Butcher hit the ring and cut a promo until Adam Pearce & Claudio Castagnoli came out..
Necro Btcher fought Adam Pearce all throughout the arena ending with both Necro & Pearce going through a Table!
Jim Cornette came out and whacked Necro Butcher with a baseball bat before getting taking down by Chris Hero..
Samoa Joe ran out to make the save and helped Adam Pearce and BJ Whitmer (ankle in a cast) chase them away....
Jim Cornette told the ROH students to take the trash (Necro & Hero) out and put them in the dumpster out back..
Jim Cornette thanked Samoa Joe, BJ Whitmer & Adam Pearce (the "Home Team") as the fans chanted each man's name..
Samoa Joe stayed back and said "I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, but I'm all out of bubble gum!"
TRIPLE THREAT: Samoa Joe defeated Christopher Daniels and Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Roderick Strong to retain (in 56 minutes)..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Better than Our Best
April 1, 2006 - Chicago Ridge, Illinois
Derek Dempsey defeated Pelle Primeau..
Claudio Castagnoli defeated Chad Collyer..
Smash Bradley defeated Rhett Titus..
Flash Flanagan defeated Bobby Dempsey..
Allison Danger & Daizee Haze & Mischif defeated Cheerleader Melissa & Lacey & Rain..
IN THE RING: Colt Cabana..
Colt Cabana came out even before the six girls from the pre-show had left the ring and called out Homicide..
A bunch of ROH Students came out to ringside to inform Colt Cabana that Homicide was not at the building yet..
SIX MAN MAYHEM: Jack Evans defeated Ace Steel and Matt Sydal and Jimmy Jacobs and Jake Crist and Dave Crist..
Jack Evans now leaves Ring of Honor to work a three month tour with Dragon Gate in Japan..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette + Colt Cabana + Delirious..
Jim Cornette said Adam Pearce was guarding all the entrances and exits and no CZW wrestler would get in tonight..
Colt Cabana came out and asked Jim Cornette to book a Chicago Street Fight in the main event and Cornette agreed..
Jim Cornette then called out Delirious and praised his work but said he has to win a match or he will lose his spot..
DO OR DIE MATCH: Delirious defeated Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes by Submission..
6-MAN TAG: Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley & Masato Yoshino beat Dragon Kid & Genki Horiguchi & Rya Saito..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Samoa Joe defeated A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels and Jimmy Yang (Joe pinned Styles)..
Samoa Joe called out American Dragon and they set up an ROH title match for some time in the future..
IN THE RING: Samoa Joe + Chris Hero & Necro Butcher + Adam Pearce + Claudio Castanoli & Jim Cornette + BJ Whitmer..
CZW's Chris Hero & Necro Butcher showed up and had a brawl with ROH's Adam Pearce all through the arena..
Claudio Castagnoli came out with Jim Cornette's bat but missed and got thrown and immediately grabbed his knee..
Jim Cornette jumped in the ring and was slapped and destroyed by Hero & Butcher until BJ Whitmer ran down to help..
BJ Whitmer (whose ankle is in a cast) was over-powered and destroyed by Chris Hero and Necro Butcher as well..
Chris Hero repeatedly smashed BJ Whitmer's ankle with a chair until finally the ROH Students ran out for the save..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Blood Generation (CIMA & Naruki Doi) to retain..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Lance Storm by Submission to retain the ROH title..
CHICAGO STREET FIGHT: Colt Cabana defeated Homicide in a Vicious, Brutal & Bloody match..
They used lots of weapons including a chair, a barbed wire board and Homicide's "Ghetto fork" hidden in his boot..
Colt Cabana viciously snabbed Homicide's forehead with the fork and then poured a bottle of alcohol all over him!
Colt Cabana superplexed Homicide into the chair filled ring (thrown in by the fans) but Homicide kicked out..
Homicide then hit a Pepsi Plunge (C.M. Punk's trademark move) off the top rope but Colt Cabana kicked out!
Julius Smokes got involved so Colt Cabana used his wrist tape to tie him to the ropes and take him out..
Both Colt Cabana and Homicide dragged a Table in and set up them up in opposite corners of the ring..
Colt Cabana power-bombed Homicide off the second rope through a Table crashing through onto barbed wire!
Homicide kicked out and was drilled with a Lariat and kicked out again but the Colt-45 finished him off!
After the match, Julius Smokes & Ricky Reyes attacked Colt Cabana after the match and put him in a noose..
Homicide ordered his fellow Rotweillers to stop shook hands & hugged Colt Cabana to settle their feud..
Homicide also told Colt Cabana that he respected him and that he was sorry for everything in the past..
The Rotweillers exited and Colt Cabana's old music played and Cabana celebrated in front of his hometown..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - The 100th Show
April 22, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
DARK MATCH: Apocalypse defeated Rick Titus..
DARK 6-WAY: Pelle Primeau beat Shane Hagadorn & Bobby Dempsey & Smash Bradley & Mitch Franklin & Matt Turner..
DARK TAG MATCH: Blackball'd (Rockin' Rebel & Greg Matthews) defeated ?????? & ??????..
MATCH: Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger defeated Claudio Castagnoli..
For the first time in Ring of Honor history, Christopher Daniels respectfully shook his opponents hand after the match..
Chris Hero showed up in the crowd and called the ROH fans a bunch of Smart-Marks and then stood in the CZW section..
The arena was split in two with ROH fans and CZW fans separated on different sides chanting for their respective brands..
The ROH chants were louder than the CZW chants and Chris Hero left the building showered with "Joe is Gonna Kill You!"
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Delirious defeated Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana and Jimmy Jacobs and Jimmy Yang w/Bruce Leroy..
Lacey was absent, but promised that if Jimmy Jacobs proved himself that she would show some skin on
Jimmy Jacobs brought a portrait of Lacey to the ring, which Jimmy Yang started humping to infuriate Jimmy Jacobs!
Jimmy Jacobs later had the match won, but declined the pinfall, stating that he didn't want fans to see Lacey naked..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated The Rottweilers (Homicide & Ricky Reyes) to retain..
ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Colt Cabana to retain the ROH World title..
The match lasted only six minutes, and ended with a quick roll-up out of nowhere pinning Colt Cabana..
Colt Cabana was so disgusted with himself after the match he was sent into a confused frenzy..
TOP OF CLASS TROPHY MATCH: Derrick Dempsey defeated Pelle Primuea to retain the Trophy..
IN THE RING: ROH Champion American Dragon..
American Dragon came back out to Congratulate the ROH Students since he is the new head trainer at the ROH School..
American Dragon proceeded to torment the side of the arena set aside for CZW fans in attendance and even mooned them!
The CZW fans reacted by chanting "over-Rated" at him, causing Dragon to proclaim himself a "Real World's Champion..
American Dragon said since he only wrestled six minutes tonight that he would defend the ROH Title a second time!
ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Delirious by referee stoppage to retain the ROH World title..
Delirious put on the performance of a life-time, having his mask ripped and his head bloodied by Dragon..
The referee ended the match when American Dragon destroyed Delirious with repeated elbows to the head..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay Briscoe) defeated AJ Styles & Matt Sydal...
THE GREAT DEBATE: (Gary Michael Cappetta moderator) ROH's Jim Cornette vs CZW's John Zandig..
Jim Cornette said the Philadelphia fans were smart and said to chose between ROH's wrestling and CZW's "freak show"..
Jim Cornette talked circles around John Zandig, until Zandig had enough and called out Team CZW for the main event..
Team CZW (Combat Zone Wrestling) = Chris Hero, Necro Butcher, & Super Dragon..
Team ROH (Ring of Honor) = Samoa Joe, B.J. Whitmer, & Adam Pearce..
The National Guard Amory was set up with ROH fans on one side, and CZW fans sitting on the opposite side..
Adam Pearce suffered several sick lacerations to the top of the head spilling massive amounts of blood..
Super Dragon gave BJ Whitmer a sick move off the ring apron through a wooden Table landing on his head!
The finish saw Claudio Castagnoli turn on Ring Of Honor and helped CZW's Chris Hero attack ROH's Samoa Joe..
Claudio Castagnoli helped Chris Hero nail Adam Pearce with the Hero's Welcome for the pinfall and victory!
After the match, John Zandig, Chris Hero, Necro Butcher & Super Dragon celebrated with the CZW fans...
ROH's Samoa Joe declared "this is only the beginning" as the show came to a close..........
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Weekend of Champions (Night 1)
April 28, 2006 - Dayton, Ohio
DARK MATCH: Chad Collyer defeated ?????..
MATCH: Colt Cabana defeated Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey..
Lacey told Jimmy Jacobs that if he lost tonight he couldn't be in Lacey's Angels or talk to her ever again..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette & Ace Steel & Colt Cabana..
Jim Cornette cut a promo on CZW and wanted to call them a bunch of chickens, but didn't want to insult the chickens..
Jim Cornette asked Colt Cabana to join Team ROH and Cabana declined, but then changed his mind and agreed to join..
TAG MATCH: Irish Airborne (David & Jake Christ) defeated Jay Fury & Spud..
After the match, Super Dragon showed up and attacked a fan and tossed him over the rail into the ringside area..
Super Dragon bolted out the exit, as ROH students in street clothes showed up and chased him out the door!
MATCH: Jimmy Rave w/Daizee Haze vs Delirious ended in a 15-Minute Time Limit Draw.
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Christopher Daniels by Countout to retain the Pure title..
Nigel McGuinness used up all three of his rope breaks early and became desperate to keep his ROH Pure title..
Nigel McGuinness grabbed ROH photographer Mary Kate Grosso and pushed her into Daniels causing him to be Counted out!
DARK MATCH: Flash Flanagan defeated Apocalypse (Not shown on DVD home release)..
ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Jimmy Yang by Submission to retain the ROH World title..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Samoa Joe & Matt Sydal to retain..
After the match, Samoa Joe called out Combat Zone Wrestling and the big interpromotional fight began..
Necro Butcher, Nate Webb and Super Dragon attacked Samoa Joe, bringing out Ace Steel & Colt Cabana for ROH..
Samoa Joe was tied up backstage by Necro Butcher & Claudio Castagnoli making it 4-on-2 anything goes brawl...
ANYTHING GOES FIGHT: Team Combat Zone Wrestling defeated Team Ring of Honor..
TEAM ROH = "Crazy" Ace Steel, "Classic" Colt Cabana, BJ Whitmer, and Adam Pearce..
TEAM CZW = "Spyder" Nate Webb, Claudio Castagnoli, Super Dragon, and Necro Butcher.
Suddenly BJ Whitmer (in a neck brace) came out and delivered stiff chairshots to all CZW guys..
Claudio Castagnoli attacked BJ Whitmer and ripped off the neck brace and went to work on him..
Adam Pearce (with 20 staples in his head) hit the ring to to help defend the honor of ROH..
All four ROH guys backdropped Spyder Nate Webb over the top rope onto all of the CZW guys..
At this point it got even more chaotic with fighting all over the arena for the next 20 minutes..
Super Dragon gave BJ Whitmer a top rope double-stomp with Whitmer's head face down on a chair!
Claudio Castagnoli gave B.J. Whitmer an unncesessary Musclebuster to give CZW the victory!
Fans in attendance were told to clear the arena as BJ Whitmer was carefully stretchered out...
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Weekend of Champions 2
April 29, 2006 - Cleveland, Ohio
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Shane Hagadorn defeated ????? and ????? and ?????..
DARK MATCH: Chad Collyer defeated Rhett Titus..
IN THE RING: B.J. Whitmere + Jim Cornette & Adam Pearce + Claudio Castagnoli + Ace Steel..
ROH's B.J. Whitmer showed up wearing a neck brace and challenged anyone from CZW to come out and fight him..
Commissioner Jim Cornette (on crutches) came out and suggested that Whitmer rest up and fight another day..
B.J. Whitmer left and Jim Cornette cut an Anti-WWE promo and also took shots at Combat Zone Wrestling..
Jim Cornette said he needed knee surgery appointed Adam Pearce as Lt. Commissioner in his absence..
Spyder Nate Webb attacked Adam Pearce and reopened his head wounds until Ace Steel made the save!
TAG MATCH: Colt Cabana & Conrad Kennedy III defeated Irish Airborne (Dave & Jake Crist)..
MATCH: Delirious defeated Chris Sabin by Submission..
6-MAN MAYHEM: Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey beat Jimmy Yang and Trik Davis and Flash Flanagan and Jay Fury and Spud..
Lacey gave Jimmy Jacobs one final chance to win a match or else he was no longer allowed to talk to her..
In the first 30 seconds Jimmy Jacobs did a leap-frog and split his pants in a very funny unplanned moment..
A minute later, Jimmy Yang tagged in and grabbed the material and made the tear on Jacobs' pants worse!
The four non-regulars went all out trying to get noticed as fans wondered which "Jimmy" would win..
After the match, Lacey proclaimed "I can't believe you won.... you NEVER win!" as they left..
Flash Flanagan refused to shake hands but the remaining four competitors shook hands..
MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated Claudio Castagnoli by Disqualification..
Claudio Castagnoli said he wanted a "wrestling" match with Samoa Joe as opposed to the proposed "fight"..
After some good wrestling, CZW's Spyder Nate Webb & Necro Butcher interfered and caused the Disqualification.
The CZW guys laid out Samoa Joe and ROH's Ace Steel & Adam Pearce made the save..
Claudio Castagnoli disappeared. Spyder Nate Webb took a piledriver from Adam Pearce..
CZW's Super Dragon showed up next, followed by the injured B.J. Whitmer, leading to:
INTERPROMOTIONAL MATCH: B.J. Whitmer defeated Super Dragon after an Exploder through a Table at ringside!
MATCH: "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels defeated Matt Sydal (and Shook hands after the match)..
TITLE VS TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness (Pure Champion) defeated American Dragon (World Champion) by Countout..
American Dragon used the cravat to wear down Nigel McGuinness until McGuinness reluctantly used up one rope break..
Nigel McGuiness threw a closed fist behind the referees back, and American Dragon threw one back and got a warning..
American Dragon was frustrated by this and threw a second closed fist and the referee took one of his rope breaks..
Nigel Micguess used up his second rope break and American Dragon used up his second and third putting them in play..
American Dragon reversed the Tower of London into Cattle Mutilation forcing McGuiness to use his final rope break..
Nigel McGuiness suplexed American Dragon off the ring apron sending both men crashing to the hard wooden floor..
Nigel McGuiness choked Dragon with a Table and slid into the ring, and Dragon slid in just before the 20 Count!
American Dragon hooked Nigel McGuiness in Cattle Mutilation and McGuiness reached the ropes but they were in play..
Nigel McGuiness worked his way inch by inch to the edge of the ring and slid out of the ring to escape submission!
American Dragon speared Nigel McGuiness with a Tope at ringside and then backdropped McGuiness into the front row!
American Dragon then nailed a spingboard suicide dive onto Nigel Mcguinness, who smashed Dragon with a steel chair!
Nigel McGuiness managed to get back into the ring, but American Dragon was still out cold as the 20-count closed!
The ring announcer started to announce Nigel McGuiness as the NEW ROH World Champion, but the referee corrected him..
American Dragon retained his ROH World title because title cannot change on a Countout..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong beat The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley w/Daizee Haze) to retain..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - How We Roll
May 12, 2006 - Lake Grove, New York
OPENING MATCH: Matt Sydal defeated Jimmy Yang..
IN THE RING: Delirious & Colt Cabana & Christopher Daniels + Christian Cage + American Dragon..
Delirious & Colt Cabana & Christopher Daniels came out for their scheduled 4-Corner Survival match..
Christian Cage made his first appearance in ROH saying he came out for one reason - to talk to Colt Cabana..
Christian Cage did some comedy and asked Colt Cabana to be his tag team partner against American Dragon later..
American Dragon came out and bragged about everybody he's beaten and that makes him the best Champion in wrestling..
American Dragon said he's the only wrestler to not sell-out to corporate wrestling and stick by Ring of Honor..
Christian Cage interrupted and called American Dragon "John Cena with A.I.D.S." and also called him an asshole!
Christian Cage said he respected the Ring of Honor Championship and Dragon will respect him by the end of the night..
American Dragon said he defeated Colt Cabana in five minutes and then asked Christopher Daniels to be his partner..
Christopher Daniels said he has no problem with Colt or Christian but he's hurt that Cage didn't pick him first..
Christopher Daniels agreed to be American Dragon's partner, only if he gets one more shot at the ROH World title..
American Dragon said if they win tonight he will give Christopher Daniels a shot at the Ring of Honor title..
TRIPLE THREAT: Delirious defeated Nigel McGuiness (ROH Pure Champion) and Kikutaro..
Colt Cabana and Christopher Daniels left the ring leaving Delirious to wrestle the 4th guy Nigel McGuiness..
Nigel McGuiness (the 4th scheduled opponent) came out and they were joined by substitute Kikutaro (aka Ebassan)..
Lots of comedy in this match including a hilarious "slow motion" spot by Delirious and Kikutaro..
Delirious eventually made Kikutaro tap out to the Cobra Stretch to win the match...
TAG MATCH: The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley) defeated Homicide & Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes by DQ..
Daizee Haze wanted a piece of Homicide before the match, but Prince Nana held her back as Homicide taunted her..
Mid-way through the match, Prince Nana and Julius Smokes got so riled up they jumped in the ring wanting to fight..
Homicide was really over with the crowd and so was Julius Smokes but Ricky Reyes was his usual disgruntled self..
Prince Nana interfered behind the referees back but Julius Smokes interfered and was caught causing the DQ..
After the match, Homicide said "F*ck Ring of Honor and F*ck this company!" and walked out....
IN THE RING: Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli (wearing the CHIKARA Tag Team title belts)..
Chris Hero said Homicide doesn't give a damn about Ring of Honor and neither should any of the fans..
Claudio Castagnoli called out Commission James E. Cornette -- but he was not there because he's a coward!
Claudio Castagnoli said Jim Cornette is a smart man and he realizes Ring of Honor is a sinking ship..
Chris Hero said the Kings of Wrestling are the reason Ring of Honor is a sinking ship..
INTERPROMOTIONAL TAG MATCH: Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli defeated Adam Pearce & B.J. Whitmer..
There were two referees appointed to the match, ROH's Todd Sinclair and CZW's Bryce Remsburg..
Todd Sinclair was about to count the 1-2-3 for Ring of Honor when Bryce Remsburg interrupted the count!
CZW's Necro Butcher interfered and helped the Kings of Wrestling score the important victory over ROH..
The three CZW guys continued the assault over BJ Whitmer & Adam Pearce until Samoa Joe made the save!
The Kings of Wrestling dragged Necro Butcher away and Samoa Joe challenged Butcher to a future match..
MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated Apocalypse (from Stampede Wrestling in Calgary, Alberta)..
MATCH: Mark Briscoe defeated Roderick Strong..
MATCH: Jay Briscoe defeated Austin Aries by Submission..
MAIN EVENT: Christian Cage & Colt Cabana defeated American Dragon & Christopher Daniels..
Christian Cage nailed Christopher Daniels with the Unprettier and scored the 1-2-3 to win the match!
American Dragon had the opportunity to break up the pinfall but waved it off and abandoned Chris Daniels..
Christian Cage & Colt Cabana shook hands with Christopher Daniels as American Dragon retreated with his belt..
After the match, Christopher Daniels talked on the microphone about being apart of both ROH and TNA..
Christopher Daniels said both promotions were about professional wrestlers..
Christopher Daniels said he didn't want to hear F-TNA or F-ROH any more..
Christian Cage started a "Fallen Angel" chant as the show ended..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Ring of Homicide
May 13, 2006 - Edison, New Jersey
MATCH: Colt Cabana defeated Kikitaru (formerly Ebessan)..
TAG MATCH: The Rottweilers (Homicide & Ricky Reyes) defeated The Ring Crew Express (Dunn & Marcos)..
Lt. Commissioner Adam Pearce showed up and asked if Homicide to join Ring of Honor in its feud against CZW..
Homicide did not give an answer as he dropped the microphone and walked out leaving his status up in the air..
MATCH: Jimmy Rave (w/Prince Nana & Daizee Haze) defeated Jimmy Yang..
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuiness defeated Jay Lethal (sub for Alex Shelley) to retain..
Nigel McGuiness said he's beaten Austin Aries, Roderick Strong & American Dragon and that makes him the BEST Champion..
Nigel McGuiness made an open challenge to any former ROH champion ---- and Jay Lethal made his return to Ring of Honor!
After an exciting match, Nigel McGuiness had to nail Jay Lethal with two consecutive Towers of London to retain his belt!
ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Delirious to retain the ROH World title..
American Dragon called Samoa Joe, Chris Daniels and Delirious a bunch of "retards" who don't deserve a title match..
American Dragon said Nigel McGuiness didn't deserve a rematch either and continued to talk and piss the fans off.
Delirious took the mic and cut a promo which nobody could understand but cheered wildly all the way through it!
There was a group of CZW fans there who chanted "Over Rated!" and "Same Old Shit!" at ROH Champion American Dragon..
Those fans chanted "TNA reject" as ROH fans chanted "Shut the F'up" and Dragon reminded them that HE rejected TNA..
Delirious miraculously escaped both the crossface chicken-wing AND cattle mutilation AND elbow shots to the head!
Delirious made a brief inspirational come-back only to get pinned with a quick small package by American Dragon!
Editor's Notes: The "Master of the Small Package" strikes again!!!
After American Dragon left, Delirious received a standing ovation..
MATCH: "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels defeated Matt Sydal..
Christopher Daniels beat Matt Sydal in two previous matches at Dissension and Weekend of Champions Night 2..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Generation Next (Austin Aries & Roderick Strong) defeated The Briscoe Brothers to retain..
The Briscoes nailed Roderick Strong with a Spike Jay-Driller and one Briscoe covered Roderick Strong..
Meanwhile, Austin Aries (legal man) rolled up Mark Briscoe (the other legal man) for the 1-2-3 to win the match!
ROH VS CZW: Samoa Joe vs Necro Butcher ended in a No Contest..
Necro Butcher had his own Combat Zone Wrestling referee, and Samoa Joe brought out his own Ring of Honor referee..
Necro Butcher destroyed the Ring of Honor referee, so Samoa Joe retaliated by destroying the Combat Zone referee...
The match then started and was incredibly stiff -- as it is every time Joe and Necro lock it up in any promotion..
Chris Hero eventually appeared to help Butcher and a minute later Claudio Castagnoli joined in the beat-down on Joe..
Finally Adam Pearce & B.J. Whitmer hit the ring to save Joe and hit Necro Butcher with a sick power-bomb on 2 chairs!
The three CZW guys ended up getting the upper hand until Homicide showed up to save the day for Ring of Honor..
It came down to a show-down between Homicide and Necro Butcher in the ring so they started an unscheduled match!
ROH VS CZW: Homicide defeated Necro Butcher....
The match started with fierce action including a lot of chairs flying around and smashing into the brawlers heads..
It resulted in the fans showering Necro Butcher with chairs in the ring (the old Terry Funk chair-throwing ECW stunt)..
Homicide power-bombed Necro Butcher onto the mountain of steel chairs and then put Butcher through a table at ringside!
The ringside crew cleared the ring of chairs and Homicide gave Butcher the Lariat scored the 1-2-3 to win the match!!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Destiny
June 3, 2006 - East Windsor, Connecticut
DARK MATCH: Bobby Dempsey defeated Alex Payne..
DARK MATCH: "Handsome" Johnny defeated Kelly Primo..
DARK MATCH: Lacey defeated Allison Danger in a SHIMMER match..
MATCH: Davey Richards (debut) defeated Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana..
TOP OF CLASS TROPHY MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Derrick Dempsey by Submission to win the Trophy!
SHIMMER WOMENS ATHLETES MATCH: "American Angel" Sara Del Rey defeated Daizee Haze..
After the match, American Dragon came out while "American Angel" Sara Del Rey was still in the ring..
The fans teased Dragon for being smaller than Del Ray and decided to stay away to avoid comparison..
American Dragon put the match over saying it was way better than any Women's matches on Television (WWE)..
American Dragon said everybody who watches SHIMMER DVDs knows Sara Del Rey is the best and HE trained her!
IN THE RING: ROH World Champion American Dragon..
American Dragon said he doesn't know why ROH came back to Connecticut and they shouldn't ever come back again..
American Dragon talked about his match with Homicide and brought up his victories during the Best of Five Series..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Colt Cabana defeated Adam Pearce and Jason Blade and Delirious (Jason Blade tapped out!)..
GRUDGE MATCH: Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger defeated B.J. Whitmer..
Before the match, BJ Whitmer said the war with CZW made him realize he never truly hated Daniels or Danger..
BJ Whitmer said he wanted to give the fans a hard-nosed wrestling match and then shook Chris Daniels' hand..
After the match, all three shook hands and they hinted that the prophecy might return some day in the future..
MATCH: Shingo Takagi (Dragon Gate) defeated Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Homicide w/Julius Smokes by referee stoppage..
Samoa Joe was there in street clothes as the special guest ring announcer and clearly favoured Homicide to win..
American Dragon ordered Joe to called him "Best Wrestler in the World" but Joe said "Palest Wrestler in the World!"
American Dragon smashed Homicide with stiff elbow-shots to the head so badly that the referee stopped the match!
Samoa Joe protested as Homicide got up and screamed that he didn't give up and the fans wanted "Five more Minutes!"
Commissioner Adam Pearce came out and called Jim Cornette on the phone and Cornette agreed with the ref's decision..
Homicide had a temper tantrum and yelled "F*&^ You Ring of Honor!!" and walked out exiting through the crowd..
American Dragon took out Samoa Joe's injured knee and Joe had to be helped to the backstage area..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated The Briscoe Brothers to retain..
Austin Aries officially dispanded Generation Next and said it was just "Aries and Strong" from now on..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - In Your Face
June 17, 2006 - New York City, New York (New Yorker Hotel)
DARK MATCH: Jake Crist (from Irish Airborn) defeated Marcos (from The Ring Crew Express)..
DARK MATCH: Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes defeated David Crist (from Irish Airborn) by Submission..
After the match, Chris Hero jumped the rail and knocked out Julius Smokes with a belt shot to the head..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay) defeated Jason Blade & Sterling James Keenan..
MATCH: Davey Richards defeated Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana by Submission..
During the toilet paper scene somenody threw broken glass in the ring and it sliced the backs of both wrestlers..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Nigel McGuinness & Colt Cabana to retain..
Colt Cabana shook hands afterwards but McGuinness only slapped hands and gave Aries & Strong the middle finger!
GRUDGE MATCH: BJ Whitmer vs Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey ended in a No Contest..
BJ Whitmer suffered a cut on his forhead and Jimmy Jacobs brushed the blood on himself as a badge of honor..
BJ Whitmer power-bombed Jimmy Jacobs off the top rope into the crowd onto a couple of "planted" fans (crazy)..
TOP OF CLASS TROPHY MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Mitch Franklin to retain the Top of Class trophy..
ROH VS CZW MATCH: Adam Pearce defeated Claudio Castagnoli by DQ when Chris Hero interfered..
ROH VS CZW MATCH: Homicide defeated Chris Hero after a powerful Lariat in a brutal match..
Since this was six days after WWE's "ECW One Night Stand" PPV the fans were heard chanting "F#&% John Cena!"
Homicide was doing the "Three Amigos" (consequetive suplexes) when the crowd erupted with chants of "Eddie! Eddie!"
Homicide said he would quit ROH if he wasn't granted another shot at the ROH World Final Battle!
MAIN EVENT: KENTA defeated Samoa Joe and American Dragon in a 3-WAY ROH Classic..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Throwdown
June 23, 2006 - Detroit, Michigan
DARK MATCH: Gutter defeated Bobby Dempsey..
DARK MATCH: C.J. Otis defeated Rhett Titus..
TAG MATCH: Irish Airborne (Jake & David Crist) defeated Shane Hagadorn & Keith Walker..
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McNiguiness defeated Conrad Kennedy III to retain the Pure title..
Nigel McGuinness has started using the "I have til five, referee!" gimmick as a shot at American Dragon,,
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay) defeated Colt Cabana & Ace Steel..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Delirious defeated Samoa Joe and Davey Richards and Jimmy Rave..
IN THE RING: Claudio Castagnoli & Necro Butcher..
Claudio Castagnoli & Necro Butcher jumped the rail and cut promos on various ROH wrestlers and praized CZW..
FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH: Adam Pearce defeated Necro Butcher by DQ when Claudio Castagnoli interfered..
INTERPROMOTIONAL MATCH: ROH's Homicide defeated CZW's Claudio Castagnoli..
ROH TITLE 3-WAY ELIMINATION: American Dragon defeated Jimmy Jacobs and BJ Whitmer to retain!
B.J. Whitmer was eliminated first, then Jimmy Jacobs tapped out to the crossface chicken-wing!
MAIN EVENT: KENTA defeated Roderick Strong with the Go-To-Sleep..
After the match, The Briscoe Brothers attacked Roderick Strong but KENTA came to his rescue!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Chi-Town Struggle
June 24, 2006 - Chicago Ridge, Illinois
DARK MATCH: Josh Abercrombie defeated Rhett Titus..
DARK MATCH: Boz defeated Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne..
DARK MATCH 3-WAY: Keith Walker defeated Bobby Dempsey and C.J. Otis..
TAG MATCH: Irish Airborne (Jake & Dave Crist) defeated Shane Hagadorn & Trik Davis..
MATCH: Roderick Strong defeated Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay) defeated Jimmy Rave & Conrad Kennedy III w/Prince Nana..
Prince Nana was accompanied by his bodyguard Daizee Haze and the injured Alex Shelley representing the Embassy..
MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated Delirious..
Necro Butcher appeared after the match to confront Samoa Joe, and Claudio Castagnoli took out Joe's knee!
Adam Pearce & B.J. Whitmer & Ace Steel hit the ring to make the save, leading to the following match..
BUNKHOUSE MATCH: Claudio Castagnoli & Necro Butcher & Nate Webb beat Adam Pearce & Ace Steel & BJ Whitmer..
Syder Nate Webb brought one of the most creative hardcore weapons of all time to the ring -- a crown of thorns..
The match ended when Claudio Castagnoli leveled B.J. Whitmer (wearing the crown of thorns) with a chairshot..
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Homicide by Countout to retain the Pure Championship..
Homicide went crazy after the match, feeling that he had been once again screwed by Ring of Honor..
Adam Pearce tried to calm Homicide down but Homicide instead exited the building through the crowd..
DREAM MATCH: KENTA defeated Austin Aries with the Go To Sleep..
The Briscoe Brothers hit the ring after the match and attacked KENTA and Austin Aries..
Roderick Strong made the save as the crowd chanted "Please Come Back!" at KENTA..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Colt Cabana to retain the ROH World title..
American Dragon did his "I have to Five, referee!" thing and a group of CZW fans started chanting "Same Old Shit!"
Colt Cabana got the Cattle Mutilation, elbow-shots to the head, a Lariat, and the Colt 45, but Dragon got the pin!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Death Before Dishonor 4
July 15, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
OPENING MATCH: Delirious defeated Seth Delay..
IN THE RING: Prince Nana introduced the newest member of The Embassy..... Salvatore Rinauro!!
TAG MATCH: Jimmy Rave & Salvatore Rinauro w/Prince Nana defeated Colt Cabana & Jay Lethal..
Sal Rinauro (who was hired to be Jimmy Rave's foot stool) took a major beating during this tag team match..
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuiness defeated Roderick Strong by Countout..
The Pure Champion got in trouble when he used up all three of his rope breaks early in this title defense..
Nigel McGuiness tossed Roderick Strong over the rail and got in the ring, Strong made it back at the 19th count..
There was a brief flurry of intense action that caused the fans to erupted with chants of "This is Awesome!"..
Nigel McGuiness tried to cause a Double Countout and gave Roderick Strong a brutal DDT on the concrete floor..
Nigel McGuiness pulled Roderick Strong by the leg and slid into the ring just in time to retain his title!
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette + American Dragon..
Jim Cornette cut a severely anti-Vince McMahon promo and trashed the new ECW on Sci-FI product..
Jim Cornette said he was unable to grant Homicide's three wishes so he was looking for a 5th member of Team ROH..
American Dragon showed up to rile up the CZW fan side of the arena and accepted the the 5th spot for Cage of Death..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay) defeated Irish Airborne (David & Jake Crist)..
MATCH: A.J. Styles defeated Davey Richards with a Styles Clash..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Sonjay Dutt by referee stoppage..
The referee stopped the match after a vicious flurry of elbows to the face and head of Sonjay Dutt..
CAGE OF DEATH: Team Ring of Honor defeated Team Combat Zone Wrestling...
Legendary IV Horsemen manager JJ Dillon was there as the door keeper..
Team ROH: Samoa Joe, Adam Pearce, BJ Whitmer, Ace Steel, and American Dragon..
Team CZW: Chris Hero, Necro Butcher, Nate Webb, Claudio Castagnoli, and Eddie Kingston..
The cage was an Octagon structure filled with lots of weapons like barbed wire, forks, thumb tacks, tables...
American Dragon abandoned ROH and attacked Samoa Joe -- Dragon left and Joe had to be stretchered out of the ring..
Homicide showed up and the ROH fans erupted as he poured out some tacks -- Necro Butcher was, of course, barefoot..
After a series of sick bumps (a Cage of Death tradition), Homicide hit Nate Webb with a Copkilla on barbed wire..
Homicide scored the victory and was praised by Commissioner Jim Cornette, who offered to grant Cide's three wishes..
Homicide said he wanted a match with Steve Corino, an ROH World title shot and for Low Ki to be brought back to ROH..
Jim Cornette okayed the first two wishes but continued to refuse to bring back Low Ki (who was suspended months ago)
Homicide freaked out and spit in Jim Cornette's face -- causing Adam Pearce to save Cornette by attacking Homicide..
Jim Cornette sprayed Homicide in the face with some kind of Mace or something as JJ Dillon locked the Cage door..
They handcuffed Homicide to the ringpost and Jim Cornette whipped him with his belt in a shocking end to the show..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - War of the Wire II
July 28, 2006 - Dayton, Ohio
MATCH: Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey defeated Trik Davis..
TAG MATCH: Davey Richards & Jerelle Clark defeated The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro w/Daizee Haze)..
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Colt Cabana by Countout to retain the Pure title!
MATCH: Matt Sydal defeated "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger..
Christopher Daniels put over Matt Sydal after the match and offered to tag up and go for the Tag Team titles..
(DARK) TAG MATCH: Irish Airborne (Jake & David Crist) defeated Pelle Primeau & Alex Payne..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Austin Aries defeated American Dragon (pinned) and Delirious and Homicide..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers defeated Roderick Strong & Jack Evans...
INTERMISSION: Claudio Castagnoli & Spyder Nate Webb jumped the rail..
NO ROPES BARBED WIRE MATCH: B.J. Whitmer defeated The Necro Butcher..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Generation Now
July 29, 2006 - Cleveland, Ohio
6-MAN TAG: Alex Payne & Rhett Titus & Bobby Dempsey beat Trik Davis & C.J. Otis & Pelle Primeau..
DARK MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Egotistico Fantastico..
MATCH: Delirious defeated Claudio Castagnoli..
TAG MATCH: The Embassy (Sal Rinauro & Jimmy Rave) defeated The Second City Saints (Colt Cabana & Ace Steel)..
MATCH: Jay Briscoe w/Mark Briscoe defeated Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey with a Jay-Driller..
MATCH: Homicide defeated Mark Briscoe w/Jay Briscoe..
8-MAN TAG: Davey Richards & Jerelle Clark & Irish Airborne defeated Generation Next..
Generation Next: Austin Aries & Roderick Strongs & Jack Evans & Matt Sydal..
The Briscoes wiped their butts with Gen-Next shirts until the four members attacked them..
Homicide came out and busted Jay Briscoe's forehead open with a vicious chairshot to the face!
DARK MATCH: B.J. Whitmer defeated Chris Banks (formerly Chris Cage of OVW/WWE)..
MATCH: Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger defeated Christian Cage with an Angel's Wings..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Nigel McGuinness to retain the ROH World title..
American Dragon was dumped over the top rope and crawled under the ring and snuck up behind McGuinness..
American Dragon rolled up Nigel McGuinness with the small package for the 1-2-3 to retain the ROH belt!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Time To Man Up
August 4, 2006 - Lake Grove, New York
TOP OF CLASS TROPHY: Shane Hagadorn defeated ?????? to retain the Top Of The Class Trophy..
NON (ROH WORLD) TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Jack Evans by Submission..
After the match, KENTA showed up but was attacked by the Briscoes - Davey Richards made the save!
TAG MATCH: Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal w/Allison Danger defeated Irish Airborne (Jake & David Crist)..
MATCH: Colt Cabana defeated Claudio Castagnoli..
ULTIMATE ENDURANCE MATCH: Aries & Strong vs Rave/Rinauro vs Pearce/Whitmer vs Homicide/Reyes..
Homicide attacked Adam Pearce trying to get revenge for what happened at the end of Death Before Dishonor..
The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro) were eliminated first in the Tag Scramble Rules match..
Adam Pearce & B.J. Whitmer were eliminated by Disqualification in the second fall (Tap-out Match)...
Steve Corino showed up and knocked out Homicide with a roll of quarters and quickly exited..
The Rottweilers (Homicide & Ricky Reyes) were eliminated in the third and final fall..
Austin Aries & Roderick Strong won the match and retained their ROH Tag Team titles..
Austin Aries revealed that someone had stolen the ROH Tag Team belts from the locker room..
IN THE RING: Steve Corino + Homicide + Adam Pearce + B.J. Whitmer..
Steve Corino made his shocking return to Ring of Honor by attacking his nemisis Homicide!
Homicide came back out to fight Steve Corino but Adam Pearce joined in and double-teamed Homicide..
B.J. Whitmer ran down and sided with Homicide -- setting up a possible tag team match for tomorrow..
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Delirious to retain the Pure title..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers defeated KENTA & Davey Richards..
MAIN EVENT: Samoa Joe defeated A.J. Styles..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Fight of the Century
August 5, 2006 - Edison, New Jersey
MATCH: Colt Cabana defeated Sal Rinauro (w/Prince Nana & Jimmy Rave) by Submission..
MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Bobby Dempsey in 5 seconds after using a foriegn object..
Adam Pearce came out and Congratulated Shane Hagadorn on winning the fastest match in Ring of Honor history..
Shane Hagadorn sucked up to Adam Pearce saying he was "humbled" (Special Thanks to the great Iron Sheik)..
Adam Pearce told Shane Hagadorn if he worked hard maybe some day he could be Ring of Honor commissioner too..
Adam Pearce called out B.J. Whitmer and asked him if he was going to him him carry out Jim Cornette's wishes..
B.J. Whiter said he respected Homicide, and then Steve Corino attacked Whitmer from behind and beat him up!
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Nigel McGuiness defeated Jay Lethal and Claudio Castagnoli and Christopher Daniels..
ULTIMATE ENDURANCE MATCH: Aries & Strong vs The Briscoes vs Irish Airborn vs Sydal & Evans..
The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay Briscoe) were eliminated by Irish Airborne in the first fall (Tag Scramble)..
Irish Airborn (Jake Crist & David Crist) were eliminated by Submission in the second fall (Tap Out Rules)..
Matt Sydal & Jack Evans were eliminated by Roderick Strong & Austin Aries in a regular tag team match..
Roderick Strong & Austin Aries retain their ROH World Tag Team Titles (the belts were stolen last night)..
TAG MATCH: Homicide & B.J. Whitmer defeated Steve Corino & Adam Pearce by Disqualification..
Homicide came out alone and the match started as a Handicap match until B.J. Whitmer evened the odds..
The Briscoe Brothers attacked Homicide to cause the DQ and squashed Homicide's arm in a folding chair..
MATCH: KENTA defeated Davey Richards in a Match of the Year Contender..
ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: American Dragon vs Samoa Joe ended in a 60 Minute time limit draw (Dragon retains)..
Samoa Joe had American Dragon locked in a choke submission just as time ran out - ending in a draw..
Samoa Joe asked for five more minutes but American Dragon refused..
KENTA came out and stared down American Dragon, until The Briscoe Brothers attacked KENTA!
Homicide ran down to go after the Briscoes, and they set up Joe/Homicide vs Briscoes for 9/16 in NYC..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Unified
August 12, 2006 - Liverpool, England
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Matt Sydal defeated Colt Cabana and Jonny Storm and Spud..
IN THE RING: Chris Hero + Colt Cabana..
CZW Champion Chris Hero jumped the rail and into the ring and cut a promo about the Kings of Wrestling..
Colt Cabana ran back and chased Chris Hero around the ring and eventually out the side door exit.......
MATCH: Davey Richards defeated "The Crown Jewel" Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana..
MATCH: B.J. Whitmer defeated Claudio Castagnoli..
Chris Hero (Castagnoli's partner) snuck back into the building and attacked B.J. Whitmer after the match..
Colt Cabana ran back to the ring to save B.J. Whitmer and challenged Chris Hero to a match on the spot!
ROH VS CZW MATCH: "Classic" Colt Cabana defeated Chris Hero..
TAG MATCH: Team UK (Doug Williams & Jody Fleisch) defeated Team NOAH (SUWA & Go Shiozaki)..
SUWA turned on Go Shiozaki, and then Doug Williams drilled Shiozaki with the Chaos Theory to win..
FWA TITLE MATCH: Robbie Brookside defeated Chad Collyer to retain the FWA Heavyweight title..
ROH TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated The Briscoe Brothers to retain..
Austin Aries suffered two broken ribs during the match....
TITLE UNIFICATION MATCH: American Dragon (ROH World Champion) defeated Nigel McGuinness (Pure Champion)..
American Dragon defeated a bloody Nigel McGuinness by knockout to retain the ROH World and ROH Pure titles..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Anarchy in the UK
August 13, 2006 - Broxbourne, England
IN THE RING: Austin Aries (w/Roderick Strong) + American Dragon..
Austin Aries announced that he broke two ribs the night before in Liverpool and would not be wrestling tonight..
American Dragon came out and questioned if the injury was legit and set up an title match between Dragon & Strong..
As American Dragon was exiting, he was attacked with a kendo stick by Pro-Wrestling Superstar -- SUWA!
MATCH: Go Shiozaki defeated B.J. Whitmer..
TRIPLE THREAT MATCH: Jonny Storm defeated Jody Fleisch and Spud..
After the match, CZW's Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli & Chad Collyer attacked all three of the British wrestlers..
Nigel McGuinness & Robbie Brookside hit the ring to make the save and the crowd went crazy for Robbie Brookside..
Colt Cabana came out next and they arranged a huge impromptu Trios Tag Team match..
6-MAN TAG: Colt Cabana & Nigel McGuiness & Robbie Brookside beat Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli & Chad Collyer..
CHALLENGE MATCH: American Dragon defeated SUWA..
American Dragon came to the ring and called out SUWA to confront him about what happened earlier..
American Dragon challenged SUWA to a match and eventually scored the pinfall via a small package..
MATCH: "The Anarchist" Doug Williams defeated "The Crown Jewel" Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana with the Chaos Theory..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay Briscoe) defeated Matt Sydal & Davey Richards..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Roderick Strong by Submission to retain the ROH World title!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Epic Encounter II
August 25, 2006 - St. Paul, Minnesota - St. Paul Armory
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay) defeated Irish Airborne (David & Jake Crist)..
MATCH: Homicide defeated Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey with the Lariat...
After the match: The Briscoe Brothers attacked Homicide and gave him a vicious Spike Jay-driller..
MATCH: Christopher Daniels (without Allison Danger) defeated Claudio Castagnoli...
TAG MATCH: Colt Cabana & Davey Richards beat Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro (without Prince Nana & Daizee Haze)..
After the match: The Briscoe Brothers came out and had a brawl with Davey Richards all through the crowd..
MATCH: Matt Sydal defeated Delirious...
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Samoa Joe & BJ Whitmer to retain..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon vs Nigel McGuinness ended in a 60-Minute time limit draw..
FIRST FALL: American Dragon pinned Nigel McGuinness with a small package;
SECOND FALL: Nigel McGuinness submitted American Dragon with a Keylock submission..
Time ran out on the third fall thus ending the match in a 60-Minute time limit draw!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Gut Check
August 26, 2006 - Chicago Ridge, Illinois
DARK MATCH: CJ Otis defeated Mitch Franklin..
DARK MATCH: Trik Davis defeated Rhett Titus..
DARK MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Pelle Primeau to retain the Top of the Class Trophy..
DARK MATCH: Davey Richards defeated Alex "Sugar Foot" Payne..
SIX MAN TAG: Nigel McGuinness & Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro defeated Delirious & Irish Airborne..
MATCH: Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey defeated B.J. Whitmer..
Jimmy Jacobs put B.J. Whitmer through a table at ringside and the match was temporarily stopped due to injury..
B.J. Whitmer managed to continue the match, but Jimmy Jacobs eventually finished him off with a quick roll-up..
After the match: Jimmy Jacobs (commanded by Lacey) took a chair repeatedly to B.J. Whitmer, "breaking" his ankle..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette + The Briscoe Brothers..
Jim Cornette came out to try to sweet-talk the Ring of Honor fans into being sympathetic to his cause.
Jim Cornette gave a lengthy speech, painting Homicide as the "bad guy," and vowed to end Homicide's career..
Jim Cornette gave The Briscoe Brothers full authority to injure and destroy Homicide in their tag team match..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers defeated Davey Richards & Homicide..
MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated Claudio Castagnoli with the Muscle Buster..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal to retain..
ROH TITLE 2/3 FALLS MATCH: American Dragon vs Colt Cabana ended in a draw after splitting 2 falls..
Colt Cabana scored the first fall after only five minutes with Colt 45 finisher..
American Dragon scored the second fall at 59:32 with a low blow and a small package..
28 seconds later the time ran out and the match was ruled a draw - Dragon retains!...
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Glory By Honor V | Night 1
September 15, 2006 - East Windsor, Connecticut
DARK MATCH: Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne defeated Bobby Dempsey..
DARK MATCH: Derrick Dempsey defeated Mitch Franklin by Submission..
TAG MATCH: The Ring Crew Express (Dunn & Marcos) defeated Rhett Titus & Pelle Primeau..
After the match, The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli) challenged Dunn & Marcos to a match..
TAG MATCH: The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli) defeated The Ring Crew Express (Dunn & Marcos)..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Jack Evans defeated Colt Cabana and Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey and Ricky Reyes..
MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Christopher Daniels..
MATCH: Austin Aries defeated Davey Richards..
MATCH: Delirious defeated Shane Hagadorn by Submission..
MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated Roderick Strong...
TAG MATCH: KENTA & Naomichi Marufuji defeated The Briscoe Brothers..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Glory By Honor 5 | Night 2
September 16, 2006 - New York City, New York
OPENING MATCH: Davey Richards defeated Jack Evans by Submission..
IN THE RING: The legendary Bruno Sammartino..
With members of the Ring of Honor roster surrounded the ring, the legendary Bruno Sammartino was introduced..
Bruno Sammartino cut a brief promo about not being happy with the wrestling business since his retirement..
Bruno Sammartino added that he was very impressed with Ring of Honor and praised fans who support ROH..
Bruno Sammartino said that Ring of Honor was all about "wrestling" as opposed to sports entertainment..
Bruno went backstage and Samoa Joe & Takeshi Morishima started a huge brawl and had to be separated..
MATCH: Adam Pearce defeated Delirious with help from his new assistant Shane Hagadorn..
TRIPLE THREAT MATCH: Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey defeated Christopher Daniels and Colt Cabana..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette & The Briscoe Brothers..
Jim Cornette praised Ring of Honor fans and said his real problem was with Homicide..
Jim Cornette then began insulting New York City and its fans, causing the cheers to turn to boos..
Jim Cornette said he only supported wrestlers from the South (Briscoes where confederate flags on their gear)..
Jim Cornette that Homicide would get an ROH title shot in December if he won tonight against The Briscoes......
TAG MATCH: Samoa Joe & Homicide defeated The Briscoe Brothers..
With the victory, Homicide earns a shot at the ROH World title when ROH comes back to NYC for Final Battle 2006..
Jim Cornette promised to make Homicide's life a living hell between now and December 23 at Final Battle 2006
WORLD TAG TITLE MATCH: The King's of Wrestling defeated Austin Aries & Roderick Strong to win the titles!
GHC WORLD TITLE MATCH: Naomichi Marufuji defeated Nigel McGuinness to retain the GHC World title!
ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated KENTA in 40 minutes to retain the ROH World title!
KENTA worked over Dragon's injured shoulder with a an Ace-crusher, a pair of brutal Go 2 Sleep's, and Arm-bars...
KENTA escaped the Cattle Mutilation twice in a row before submitting to a third attempt at the same move..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Survival of the Fittest
October 6, 2006 - Cleveland, Ohio
DARK MATCH: Bobby Dempsey defeated Mitch Franklin and Ernie Osiris in a Triple Threat match..
DARK MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Pelle Primeau to retain the Top of Class Trophy..
SOTF QUALIFIER: Matt Sydal defeated Davey Richards after an Implant Driver..
SOTF QUALIFIER: Delirious defeated Jimmy Rave w/Daizee Haze by Submission with the Cobra Clutch..
After the match, Jimmy Rave and Daizee Haze did not look pleased with each other and Rave walked out alone..
SOTF QUALIFIER: Austin Aries defeated Christopher Daniels after a 450 Splash..
Austin Aries said his luggage was lost by the airlines so a couple of the ROH students lent him their gear..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette & The Briscoe Brothers..
Jim Cornette ordered the Briscoe Brothers to hurt Homicide tonight in their upcoming tag team match..
SOTF QUALIFIER: The Briscoe Brothers defeated Roderick Strong & Homicide...
Jim Cornette brought down the tennis racket and the Briscoe Brothers used it on Homicide..
The Briscoes capitalized and and scored the pinfall over Homicide with 12 seconds left!
SOTF QUALIFIER: American Dragon vs. Samoa Joe ended in a 20 minute time limit draw..
After the match, the fans wanted "5 more minutes" but instead Dragon knocked Joe out with the ROH title belt!
(DARK) TAG MATCH: Irish Airborn (David & Jake Crist) defeated Rhett Titus & Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli) defeated Colt Cabana & Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey..
The jealous Jimmy Jacobs accidentally speared Colt Cabana, resulting in Cabana getting pinned to lose the match..
After the match, BJ Whitmer brawled with Jimmy Jacobs - Jacobs kicked Whitmer in the injured ankle and left..
SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST FINALS: Delirious defeated Austin Aries and Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe and Matt Sydal..
Jay Briscoe eliminated Austin Aries. Matt Sydal eliminated Jay Briscoe. Matt Sydal eliminated Mark Briscoe.
Delirious made Matt Sydal tap out to the Cobra Stretch to win the prestigeous Survival of the Fittest '06!!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Motor City Madness
October 7, 2006 - Detroit, Michigan
MATCH: Delirious defeated Zach Gowen (booed heavily) by Submission with the Cobra Clutch..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette + Roderick Strong + Homicide..
Jim Cornette came out and praised Detroit and announced that Ring of Honor was coming back for WrestleMania weekend..
Jim Cornette said Roderick Strong injured his back and Strong came out and said that he came to Detroit to wrestle..
Jim Cornette refused to allow it so Roderick Strong got aggressive with Cornette which brought Homicide to the ring..
Jim Cornette bailed out and circled the ring and ran backstage in slow-motion as Homicide grabbed the microphone..
Homicide said he is having a bad day because the Detroit Tiger beat the New York Yankees and said "F*ck Cornette"..
SHIMMER TAG MATCH: Daizee Haze & MsChif defeated Allison Danger & Lovely Lacey..
MATCH: Claudio Castagnoli defeated Davey Richards after interference from Chris Hero..
TAG MATCH: Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal defeated Colt Cabana & Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey..
After the match: B.J. Whitmer ran down and attacked Jimmy Jacobs and they had to be physically separated..
Order was restored and Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal challenged the Kings to an ROH Tag Team title match..
Chris Hero refused to put the ROH Tag Team championship up but accepted a singles match with Matt Sydal instead..
MATCH: Matt Sydal w/Christopher Daniels defeated Chris Hero w/Claudio Castagnoli..
SIX MAN MAYHEM: Pelle Primeau beat Matt Cross and Jimmy Rave and Jake Crist and Dave Crist and Shane Hagadorn..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Austin Aries with a small package to retain the ROH World Title!
ANYTHING GOES/FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers defeated Homicide & Samoa Joe...
One of the Briscoe Brothers did an insane Shooting Star Press off the top of the Ryder truck down to the concrete..
The Briscoe Brothers destroyed Homicide with a dangerous Spike-Jay-Driller and pinned him 1-2-3 to win the match...
The Briscoes: "F#&% Samoa Joe! F#&% Homicide! F#&% Detroit! The Briscoes are the GREATEST Tag Team in the World!"
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Suffocation
October 27, 2006 - Dayton, Ohio
NON (ROH WORLD) TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Salvatore Rinuaro..
MATCH: Shingo Takagi (Dragon Gate) defeated Jimmy Rave..
TAG MATCH: Irish Airborne (David & Jake Crist) defeated Jimmy Jacobs & Colt Cabana w/Lacey..
MATCH: "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels defeated "The Shooter" Brent Albright (debut)..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Roderick Strong defeated Chris Hero and Mark Briscoe and Tank Toland (debut)..
MATCH: Austin Aries defeated Claudio Castagnoli..
After the match: The Kings of Wrestling double-teamed Austin Aries until Roderick Strong made the save..
MATCH: Davey Richards defeated Jay Briscoe..
MATCH: Delirious defeated Matt Sydal..
MAIN EVENT: Homicide & Samoa Joe defeated Steve Corino & Adam Pearce (w/Jim Cornette & Shane Hagadorn)..
After the match: Jim Cornette, Adam Pearce and the Briscoes guarded the ring as Steve Corino suffocated Homicide!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Irresistible Forces
October 28, 2006 - Chicago Ridge, Illinois
TAG MATCH: Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn defeated Irish Airborn (David & Jake Crist)..
Shane Hagadorn knocked out one of the Crists with a foreign object and Adam Pearce nailed a pile-driver to win!
After the match: Jim Cornette appeared and cut a heel promo showing his support for Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn..
MATCH: Shingo (Takagi) defeated Roderick Strong after putting Strong face-first through a table at ringside..
TAG MATCH: Colt Cabana & Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey defeated Jimmy Rave & Salvatore Rinauro...
Jimmy Jacobs told Lacey they they finally won a match and expected that it would further his relationship with her..
Lacey pointed out that Colt Cabana scored the pin so she offered Cabana a contract to officially join Lacey's Angels..
Colt Cabana declined and said Lacey has to learn the difference between personal and business relationships..
Colt Cabana said he was having sex with Lacey and it was all personal and had no business interest with her..
Lacey ordered Jimmy Jacobs to attack Colt Cabana, but Jacobs asked for a hug first, and Lacey was disgusted...
Jimmy Jacobs thought about it and then attacked Colt Cabana gouging his eyes with Lacey's high heel shoe..
B.J. Whitmer ran out to make the save and Jimmy Jacobs quickly retreated backstage with Lacey..
MATCH: Steve Corino defeated Delirious after interference from Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn..
Jim Cornette threatened to fire Todd Sinclair when Sinclair wanted to reverse the decision..
MATCH: "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels defeated Austin Aries..
MATCH: Brent Albright (Formerly Gunner Scott in WWE) defeated Trik Davis..
MATCH: Matt Sydal defeated Jay Briscoe..
MATCH: Davey Richards defeated Mark Briscoe by Submission..
NO-DQ NO-TIME-LIMIT MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated American Dragon by Chokeout submission..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Honor Reclaims Boston
November 3, 2006 - Braintree, Massachusetts
DARK MATCH: Rhett Titus & Bobby Dempsey & Mitch Franklin defeated Alex Payne & Ernie Osirus & Thomas Penmanship..
DARK MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Pelle Primeau to retain the Top of the Class Trophy....
MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated "Hurricane" John Walters..
SHIMMER SHOWCASE: Mercedes Martinez defeated Daizee Haze (Lacey slapped Daizee Haze after the match)..
MATCH: Christopher Daniels (w/Allison Danger & Matt Sydal) defeated Chris Hero w/Claudio Castagnoli..
MATCH: Matt Sydal w/Allison Danger defeated Claudio Castagnoli..
SIX MAN TAG: Steve Corino & The Briscoes w/Shane Hagadorn beat Homicide & Samoa Joe & BJ Whitmer w/Julius Smokes..
MATCH: "Classic" Colt Cabana defeated Jimmy Rave..
ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Delirious to retain the ROH World title!
MAIN EVENT: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated KENTA & Davey Richards..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - The Bitter End
November 4, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
MATCH: Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger defeated "Iron" Matt Cross (aka M-Dogg20)..
Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli attacked both men after the match until Austin Aries & Roderick Strong made the save!
Matt Sydal came out as well and he and Chris Daniels challenged the "Kings" to an ROH Tag title match in the future..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette & Shane Hagadorn + Konnan & Homicide & Ricky Reyes & Julius Smokes..
Jim Cornette stacked the deck against Homicide in favour of Steve Corino in the main event "Fight without Honor"..
The Rottweilers came out with Konnan, who asked Jim Cornette why Ricky Reyes doesn't get more matches in ROH..
Konnan suggested that Jim Cornette book his boy Shane Hagadorn against Ricky Reyes right there on the spot!
MATCH: Ricky Reyes defeated Shane Hagadorn w/Julius Smokes by Submission..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Pelle Primeau defeated Colt Cabana and B.J. Whitmer and Tank Toland...
DREAM PARTNERS MATCH: Samoa Joe & Nigel McGuinness defeated American Dragon & Jimmy Rave..
After the match: Jimmy Rave went crazy trying to get at a fan who threw a roll of toilet paper at him..
Nigel McGuiness got on the microphone and told Jimmy Rave to relax and be a professional for a change..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette + Konnan & Homicide & Ricky Reyes & Julius Smokes..
Jim Cornette came out once more and he was mad as hell so he publically fired Homicide from Ring of Honor..
The Rottweilers returned and said the promoters ruled that the fans could chose who gets fired, Homicide or Cornette..
The fans unanimously picked Jim Cornette and he was dragged out of the building by official Ring of Honor security..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers defeated Delirious & Davey Richards..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli defeated Austin Aries & Roderick Strong by DQ to retain!
The referee to knocked down and The Kings tried to use their briefcase but Austin Aries got his hands on it first..
Austin Aries started smashing bother Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli with the briefcase but got caught and DQ'd..
MATCH: KENTA defeated Matt Sydal w/Christopher Daniels with the Go-To-Sleep..
After the match, Samoa Joe slapped KENTA and told him to take that message back to Kenta Kobashi in Japan..
FIGHT WITHOUT HONOR: Homicide defeated Steve Corino in a violent bloody match..
This was a violent match that involved forks, a barbed wire bat, tables, rubbing alcohol in wounds and more..
After the match, Homicide and the Rottweilers wanted to shave Steve Corino bald or else they would kill him..
Steve Corino grabbed the mic and praised Homicide and said he would be a man and allowed his head to be shaved!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Black Friday Fallout
November 24, 2006 - Long Island, New York
DARK MATCH: Mitch Franklin defeated Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne.
DARK MATCH: Bobby Dempsey defeated Ernie Osiris
DARK MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Rhett Titus to retain the ROH Top of Class Trophy..
SHIMMER 4-WAY: Lacey defeated Daizee Haze and Allison Danger and Nikki Roxx (debut)..
GAUNTLET SERIES: Nigel McGuinness win!
Brent Albright defeated Pelle Primeau in a squash match..
Brent Albright defeated Jason Blade in a longer squash match..
B.J Whitmer defeated Brent Albright in a hard fought match..
Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey defeated B.J. Whitmer in five seconds..
Nigel McGuinness defeated Jimmy Jacobs to win the Gauntlet Series!
NO DQ TAG TITLE MATCH: Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli defeated Roderick Strong & Austin Aries to retain!
Japanese wrestler Shingo interfered and helped the King of Wrestling retain their ROH Tag Team titles..
MATCH: Shingo defeated Mark Briscoe (After the match: Roderick Strong attacked Shingo and they had a brawl)..
MATCH: Jimmy Rave defeated Homicide (After the match: The Briscoes attacked Homicide & Julius Smokes)..
MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated Jay Briscoe with a Muscle-buster..
#1 CONTENDERS TAG MATCH: Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal w/Allison Danger defeated Davey Richards & Delirious....
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Dethroned
November 25, 2006 - Edison, New Jersey
MATCH: Brent Albright defeated El Generico by Submission..
TOP OF CLASS TROPHY MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Bobby Dempsey to retain the Top of Class Trophy!
Shane Hagadorn has his brass knucks taken away from him but used a second set of brass knucks to knock Dempsey out..
MATCH: Delirious defeated Jason Blade by Submission...
GRUDGE MATCH: B.J. Whitmer vs. Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey ended in a No Contest (bloody match)..
It was a vicious grudge match which saw both men carved each others heads with a sharpened railroad spike..
Daizee Haze came out to stop Lacey from interfering and this eventually led to the match being thrown out..
Technically it wasn't even an official match, because the bell never rang and they took out the referee..
FIP TITLE MATCH: Roderick Strong defeated Shingo in a "Tables & Chairs are Legal" match to retain the FIP Heavyweight title..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal defeated Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli to win the titles!
After the match, Christopher Daniels issued an open challenge to anyone... anytime... anywhere!
MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Jimmy Rave (who is no longer part of The Embassy)..
They shook hands after the match and Jimmy Rave politely waved to the crowd in an honest attempt to get respect..
There was a confrontation with Jimmy Rave taking a fit because McGuiness threw a roll of toilet paper at him!
Christopher Daniels came out to try to calm things down, which led to Jimmy Rave "walking out" of Ring of Honor..
SPECIAL CHALLENGE MATCH: Davey Richards defeated Austin Aries by Submission..
Samoa Joe hit the Muscle-Buster, and Homicide hit the Cop-Killa simoltaneously and got the double pin..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - The Chicago Spectacular: Night 1
December 8, 2006 - Chicago Ridge, Illinois (Frontier Park Field House)
DARK MATCH: C.J. Otis & Bobby Dempsey defeated Ernie Osiris & Mitch Franklin..
DARK MATCH: Team Underground (Chandler McClure & Eric Priest) defeated Rhett Titus & Alex Payne..
DARK MATCH: Pelle Primeau defeated Angel Armoni (from FIP)..
MATCH: Tank Toland defeated Kikutaro..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay Briscoe) defeated Irish Airborne (Jake & Dave Crist)..
MATCH: Homicide defeated "The Shooter" Brent Albright by Disqualification..
Brent Albright had the Fujiware Armbar locked in and Homicide grabbed the ropes but Albright refused to release..
Samoa Joe made the save. Brent Albright retreated and was given a wad of cash by ROH Champion American Dragon!
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: B.J. Whitmer defeated Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger and Davey Richards and Matt Cross..
GRUDGE MATCH: Jimmy Rave defeated Nigel McGuinness by Submission..
TAG MATCH: Delirious & "Crazy" Ace Steel defeated Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn..
GRUDGE MATCH: "Classic" Colt Cabana defeated Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey by Disqualification..
Lacey threw a handful of powder in Colt Cabana's face when he had Jimmy Jacobs in a Submission causing the DQ..
Daizee Haze hit the ring and fought with Lacey until Jimmy Jacobs literally speared Daizee Haze out of her shoes!
Brent Albright ran down to the ring and T-bone Suplexed Colt Cabana and has apparently joined Lacey's Angels..
Brent Albright & Jimmy Jacobs held Colt Cabana down while Lacey stomped Cabana's crotch with her high heel shoe..
B.J. Whitmer ran down to make the save, thus setting up a potential Jacobs & Albright vs Cabana & Whitmer match..
Delirious asked B.J. Whitmer to be on his team tomorrow, and Nigel McGuinnes came down and asked to be on the team..
TAG MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Matt Sydal (1/2 ROH Tag Team Champion) & SHINGO...
STEEL CAGE MATCH FOR THE ROH WORLD TITLE: American Dragon defeated Samoa Joe by escaping the Cage to retain!
The stipulation was you could win by pinfall, submission or the traditional way of escaping the steel cage..
Homicide came down and tossed a ghetto fork into the cage so Joe could cut Dragon's forehead and stab his ass!
Samoa Joe had American Dragon in the sleeper as they were hanging over the cage wall and Dragon fell down to win!
Editor's Note: Tremendously creative finish if I do say so myself..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - The Chicago Spectacular: Night 2
December 9, 2006 - Chicago Ridge, Illinois (Frontier Park Field House)
DARK MATCH: Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne & Bobby Dempsey defeated Johnny Dynamo & Rhett Titus..
DARK MATCH: Team Underground (Chandler McClure & Eric Priest) defeated Ernie Osiris & Mitch Franklin..
IN THE RING: Colt Cabana + Jimmy Jacobs + Lacey + Daizee Haze + B.J. Whitmer + more people..
Colt Cabana came out and gave an update on his testicle injury and then called out Jimmy Jacobs for a fight!
Lacey came out and applied the testicular claw on Colt Cabana until Daizee Haze ran down to beat up on Lacey..
Jimmy Jacobs went after Daizee Haze but B.J. Whitmer showed up to stop Jacobs from doing damage to Daizee Haze..
American Dragon, Jimmy Rave & Shingo ran in, followed by Delirious & Nigel McGuinness to set up the main event!
MATCH: "Crazy" Ace Steel defeated Tank Toland (Tank Toland got a "Don't Come Back!" chant from the fans)..
6-MAN MAYHEM: Jake Crist defeated Dave Crist and Kikutaro and Pelle Primeau and Trik Davis and C.J. Otis..
MATCH: "The Notorious 187" Homicide defeated Top of Class champion Shane Hagadorn w/Adam Pearce..
After the match: Adam Pearce attacked Homicide with a Leather Strap and then retreated carrying Shane Hagadorn..
Homicide said he didn't want a Strap match with Adam Pearce because he just saw a steel cage out in the truck..
MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated Mark Briscoe..
After the match: Samoa Joe once again called out Pro Wrestling NOAH and was confonted by NOAH star Nigel McGuinness..
TAG MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Christopher Daniels & Matt Cross (w/Allison Danger & Matt Sydal)..
STEEL CAGE GRUDGE MATCH: Homicide defeated "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce w/Shane Hagadorn..
MATCH: Jay Briscoe w/Mark Briscoe defeated Davey Richards..
ELIMINATION MATCH: Team Delirious defeated Team Danielson..
TEAM DELIRIOUS = Delirious & B.J. Whitmer & Colt Cabana & Nigel McGuinness w/Daizee Haze..
TEAM DANIELSON = Bryan Danielson & Jimmy Rave & SHINGO & Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey..
Jimmy Jacobs pulled out the railroad spike to use it on B.J. Whitmer but Colt Cabana caused Jacobs to drop the spike..
B.J. Whitmer picked up the spike and went after Jimmy Jacobs, who dodged, and then Whitmer accidentally spiked Lacey!
Jimmy Jacobs quickly paniced and carried Lacey backstage (reminisent of The MegaPowers/Elizabeth storyline in 1989)..
Jimmy Jacobs returned to the ring where he was disqualified for smashing B.J. Whitmer's ankle with a steel chair..
B.J. Whitmer was eliminated when he tapped out by Jimmy Rave from an Ankle-lock on Whitmer's already injured ankle..
Nigel McGuinness (who also had a previously ankle injury) was eliminated when he tapped out to Jimmy Rave's Anklelock..
Shingo (who was hired by Lacey to take out Colt Cabana) was eliminated by "Classic" Colt Cabana after a sunset flip..
Colt Cabana was eliminated by Jimmy Rave after Bryan Danielson kicked him in the previously injured testicles!
Jimmy Rave was eliminated by Delirious. Bryan Danielson was eliminated by Delirious with the Cobra Stretch!!
The sole survivor of the match...... Deeelllllllirriiooouussss!!!!!!!!!!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - International Challenge
December 22, 2006 - East Windsor, Connecticut
MATCH: Jason Blade deeated Pelle Primeau..
MATCH: Austin Aries defeated "Die Hard" Eddie Edwards (debut)..
MATCH: "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce w/Shane Hagadorn defeated Delirious..
MIXED TAG MATCH: B.J. Whitmer & Daizee Haze defeated Jimmy Jacobs & Mercedes Martinez..
Mercedes Mercedes was severly injured by B.J. Whitmer's Exploder and immediately rushed to hospital..
After the match: Jimmy Jacobs & Brent Albright tried to spike Daizee Haze but B.J. Whitmer made the save..
Jimmy Jacobs & Brent Albright double-teamed B.J. Whitmer and Jacobs repeatedly spiked Whitmer on the head!
Colt Cabana ran out to save B.J. Whitmer and challenged Brent Albright to a match right then and there..
GRUDGE MATCH: "Classic" Colt Cabana defeated "The Shooter" Brent Albright..
TAG MATCH: The Kings of Wrestling (Claudio Castagnoli & Chris Hero) defeated The Briscoe Brothers..
"Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney made his debut in Ring of Honor to help The Kings of Wrestling win the match!
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: American Dragon defeated Homicide and Nigel McGuinness (pinned by small package) and Jimmy Rave..
FIP TITLE MATCH: Roderick Strong defeated Davey Richards to retain the FIP Heavyweight title!
TAG TITLE MATCH: Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal w/Allison Danger defeated CIMA & SHINGO.
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Final Battle '06
December 23, 2006 - New York City, New York
IN THE RING: Santa Clause + The Briscoe Brothers..
Santa Clause (Bobby Dempsey) and two elves (Mitch Franklin & Pelle Primeau) were attacked by the Briscoes..
The Briscoe Brothers said the previous night in Connecticut was Bullsh*t challenged the Kings of Wrestling..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Jimmy Rave defeated Christopher Daniels and Davey Richards and El Generico..
Nigel McGuinness showed up after the match and slapped the loud-mouthed Jimmy Rave accross the face..
MATCH: "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce w/Shane Hagadorn defeated Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes..
Adam Peace & Shane Hagadorn are vowing to prevent Homicide from winning the ROH World title later tonight..
TAG MATCH: Brent Albright & Jimmy Jacobs defeated B.J. Whitmer & Colt Cabana w/Dazee Haze..
Brent Albright power-bombed B.J. Whitmer over the top rope through a table set up at ringside (crazy)..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers defeated The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli)..
Claudio Castagnoli said he was probably going to stick around Ring of Honor for a little while longer..
Larry Sweeney said he and Chris Hero have already made plans those plans don't involve Claudio Castagnoli..
Claudio Castagnoli said Chris Hero would never choose Larry Sweeney over him and asked Hero to pick sides..
Chris Hero shook hands with Claudio Castagnoli but turned and left the ring with "Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney..
IN THE RING: Samoa Joe (injured and not wrestling on the show) + Nigel McGuinness..
Samoa Joe challenged anyone from Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan to face him at the February 16 Ring of Honor show..
Samoa Joe threw out a few names, such as Takeshi Morishima, Naomichi Marufuji, even the legendary Mitsuharu Misawa..
Nigel McGuinness appeared and said that if nobody from NOAH accepted the challenge then he would do it himself..
Jimmy Rave attacked Nigel McGuinness from behind as Samoa Joe watched for a few seconds and them slapped Rave!
GRUDGE MATCH: Jimmy Rave defeated Nigel McGuinness by Submission..
SIX-MAN TAG: Shingo Takagi & CIMA & Matt Sydal defeated Austin Aries & Roderick Strong & Delirious..
ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: Homicide defeated American Dragon in 29:12 to win the ROH World title!!!!!!
Six months ago, Homicide said if he didn't win an title in ROH before the end of the year he would QUIT Ring of Honor..
Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn attacked Homicide to stop the match -- but the referee wisely refused to call a DQ..
American Dragon had a submission on Homicide, who reached the ropes, but Dragon wouldn't release -- again no DQ..
Homicide nailed American Dragon with a Cop-killa, but Dragon got his foot on the rope to break the pinfall attempt..
The roof blew off the place when Homicide finally won with an huge Lariat to FINALLY win the ROH World title!!!!
And that's a wrap..
January 14, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
TOP OF CLASS TROPHY MATCH: Derek Dempsey defeated Shane Hagadorn and Smash Bradley and Pelle Primeau..
DARK MATCH: Jack Evans defeated Trik Davis..
MATCH: Austin Aries defeated Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes..
Austin Aries & Roderick Strong came out to cut promos then Aries called out Ricky Reyes to settle some business..
Ricky Reyes applied the Dragon-choke but Aries pushed back with his legs and pinned Reyes' shoulders to the mat!
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuiness defeated Tony Mamaluke to retain the Pure title..
TAG MATCH: The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley) defeated Claudio Castagnoli & Azriel (sub for Colt Cabana)..
FIP TITLE 3-WAY: American Dragon w/Dave Prazak beat Roderick Strong and Homicide (Champion) to win the FIP title!!
This was scheduled to be Homicide (shoulder injury) vs Roderick Strong in a singles match for the FIP title..
Dave Prazak (of DP Associates) came out and challenged Homicide to make a 3-WAY Dance for the championship..
Colt Cabana attacked Homicide and took him out for most of the match, only for Homicide to return later on..
Homicide returned to the ring and tapped out to American Dragon's arm-breaker to give Dragon the FIP title!
MATCH: Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger defeated Jay Lethal..
After the match, Samoa Joe ran down to attack Jay Lathal, but Lethal escaped and Chris Daniels fought with Joe..
Jay Lethal snuck back in and low-blowed Samoa Joe. BJ Whitmer ran down and gave Chris Daniels an Exploder!
BJ Whitmer said he never forgave Chris Daniels for walking out on The Prophecy and leaving ROH 2 years ago..
BJ Whitmer left and Samoa Joe gave Christopher Daniels a brutal yakuza kick to the face!
6-MAN MAYHEM: Jack Evans defeated Adam Pearce and Salvatore Rinauro and Trik Davis and Kid Mikaze and Jason Blade..
MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated BJ Whitmer by Knockout..
MATCH: AJ Styles defeated Matt Sydel..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Chris Hero to retain..
Chris Hero was accompanied by CZW's Adam Flash, Necro Butcher, Nate Webb and referee Bryce Remsburg..
After the match, The Embassy tried to "buy" the ROH belt from American Dragon, but Dragon refused..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Tag Wars '06
January 27, 2006 - Dayton, Ohio
ROH STUDENT MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Rhett Titus..
ROH STUDENT MATCH: Lotus defeated Crazy J..
ROH STUDENT MATCH: Smash Bradley & Marco Cordova & Jayson Reign defeated The Dempsey Brothers & Pelle Primaeu..
SEMI FINALS: Matt Sydal & Jimmy Yang & Jack Evans defeated Adam Pearce & Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer w/Lacey..
They teased desention between Lacey's Angel's (Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer) after the match was over..
SEMI FINALS: The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley & Abyss) defeated Tony Mamaluke & Sal Rinauro & Jay Fury..
MATCH: Claudio Castagnoli defeated Chad Collyer with help from Ace Steel..
During the match, CZW's Chris Hero & Necro Butcher arrived and sat down with the crowd of fans..
Chad Collyer tried to use a steel chair but Ace Steel ran out and prevented it and cost Collyer the victory..
Ace Steel said "You can't kill what doesn't die.. I DON'T DIE!" and challenged Collyer to a match in Chicago!
Ace Steel then said he came to Dayton to "kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of bubble gum!"..
MATCH: Ace Steel vs Sterling James Keenan ended in a No Contest..
Ace Steel got the house mic and challenged Chris Hero and Necro Butcher to a fight -- they accepted..
The Ring of Honor locker room emptied for a huge brawl resulting in Hero & Butcher being thrown out..
(Exclusive to DVD) The scene backstage was even more chaotic with Hero & Butcher causing a lot of trouble..
(Exclusive to DVD) Jim Cornette was assaulted by an unknown assailant and yelled at Gabe Sapolski for the mayhem..
IN THE RING: Commissioner Jim Cornette (bloody mouth) & Adam Pearce..
Jim Cornette said he didn't come to Dayton 'by God' Ohio to get his mouth bloodied by a bunch of "garbage wrestlers"..
Jim Cornette said "those two punk" tried to disrupt the show and they don't have 1/10th of the talant as ROH wrestlers..
Jim Cornette said they have come to a real wrestling show trying to finally make a name for themselves..
Jim Cornette challenged Combat Zone Wrestling to a "fight" at the ECW Arena on 3/11 at Arena Warfare..
NON (PURE) TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Delirious to retain..
GRUDGE MATCH: Low Ki defeated Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger..
Allison Danger got on the apron to protest Low Ki's agressiveness, Ki dragged her in by the hair; Daniels saved her!
After the match, Christopher Daniels extended his hand (for the 1st time ever) to Low Ki, but Low Ki refused to shake it..
TRIOS FINAL: The Embassy defeated Generation Next to win the Trios Tournament!
The Embassy = Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley & Abyss w/Prince Nana & Daizee Haze..
Generation Next = Jack Evans & Matt Sydal & Jimmy Yang..
Abyss was going to do a dive, but Alex Shelley tagged himself in and slapped Abyss accross the face..
Abyss grabbed Alex Shelley by the throat and was going to choke-slam him but he didn't and settled down..
Alex Shelley hit Jimmy Yang with the Sliced Bread #2, but Jimmy Rave hit Yang with the Pedigree and stole the pin!
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated American Dragon & Jay Lethal to retain..
Roderick Strong made ROH & FIP Champion American Dragon tap out with the Stronghold submission...
Roderick Strong said American Dragon owes him another title shot and he is going to take what he wants..
The Embassy attacked American Dragon after the match until Generation Next made the save!
Notes: This part was inexplicably left off the DVD release of Tag Wars 2006..
Generation Next asked Matt Sydal to reconsider his decision to join AJ Styles and challenge for the tag titles..
BJ Whitmer confronted Lacey about comments she made on past DVDs and fired her while Jimmy Jacobs stayed loyal..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Dissension
January 28, 2006 - Cleveland, Ohio
STUDENT MATCH: Jayson Reign & Marco Cordova defeated Derek Dempsey & Pele Primeau..
STUDENT MATCH: Bobby Dempsey & Smash Bradley defeated Mitch Franklin & Richard Titus..
TAG MATCH: Crazy J & Lotus defeated Conrad Kennedy III & Shane Haggadorn..
MATCH: Adam Pearce defeated Jay Fury..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette & Adam Pearce + Necro Butcher..
Jim Cornette was interrupted when CZW's Necro Butcher appeared in the crowd holding a ticket in his hand..
Jim Cornette said he wasn't a wrestler, but neither was Necro Butcher, and challenged him to a fight!
Adam Pearce stepped in and offered to fight for Cornette and pulled Butcher over the rail and a riot ensued..
Half the ROH roster came out and detained Necro Butcher and aggressively ejected him from the building...
MATCH: Jimmy Yang defeated Jay Lethal..
6-MAN TAG: Tony Mamaluke & Sal Rinauro & Delirious defeated The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley & Abyss)..
MATCH: Low Ki defeated Jack Evans (Evans took a brutal beating at the hands of Low Ki)..
ANYTHING GOES TAG MATCH: Claudio Castagnoli & Ace Steel defeated Nigel McGuinness & Chad Collyer..
Nigel McGuinness protested the "Relaxed Rules" stipulation and banned punches, kickes, tables and chairs..
Jim Cornette came out and said he agreed but was in a different mood and wanted to see someone's ass get kicked!
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Lacey's Angels (Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer w/Lacey)..
Jimmy Jacobs was not focused on the match, instead he spent his time paying attention to Lacey at ringside..
After the match, Jimmy Jacobs spoke to Lacey, and completely ignored BJ Whitmer, who was upset at Jacobs..
BJ Whitmer finally had enough of his partner and hit him with the Exploder and left the ring..
MATCH: Christopher Daniels (injured knee) defeated Matt Sydal (injured neck)..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated AJ Styles to retain..
American Dragon wanted to shake hands, but AJ Styles instead spit in Dragon's hand! (all in good fun)
American Dragon countered by getting A.J. Styles in the corner and spitting on his face! (not so much)
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Unscripted II
February 11, 2006 - Lake Grove, New York
STUDENT MATCH: Smash Bradley & Bobby Dempsey defeated Rick Titus & Keenan Quinn..
MATCH: TOP OF CLASS TROPHY MATCH: Derek Dempsey defeated Shane Hagadorn..
TRIPLE THREAT MATCH: Adam Pierce defeated Pelle Primeau and Mitch Franklin..
This started out as a singles match between Primeau and Franklin but Adam Pearce interjected himself..
Adam Pearce quickly defeated the two ROH trainees and then got a chair and sat down at ringside to wait..
IN THE RING: Julius Smokes & Grim Reefer + C.M. Punk returned to ROH + Adam Pearce + Colt Cabana + Prince Nana..
Julius Smokes said that Homicide wasn't there but he brought Rotweiller Grim Reefer to fight Colt Cabana..
C.M. Punk returned to ROH and cut a promo before he was attacked by Adam Pearce until Colt Cabana made the save..
The Embassy's Prince Nana came out and laughed on the microphone and said "that's what you get!" and left...
C.M. Punk then confronted Colt Cabana about his "transformation" leading to Cabana walking out on Punk..
Colt Cabana said he didn't need C.M. Punk's help and was jumped by Grim Reefer to start their match..
MATCH: Colt Cabana defeated Grim Reefer w/Julius Smokes with a Lariat..
MATCH: Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes defeated Kid Mikaze..
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Austin Aries to retain the Pure title!
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Xavier w/Prince Nana by DQ to retain the ROH title!
Jimmy Rave attacked American Dragon and C.M. Punk made the save -- but Adam Pearce attacked C.M. Punk...
The Embassy retreated and C.M. Punk asked American Dragon to team up with him again Rave & Pearce later..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Jimmy Yang defeated Azrieal and Jerrelle Clark and Jason Blade..
#1 CONTENDERS MATCH: Roderick Strong defeated B.J. Whitmer (Whitmer refused to shake hands)..
MAIN EVENT: American Dragon & C.M. Punk defeated The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Adam Pearce)..
American Dragon said if Punk ever quits the "entertainment" business to come back to the "wrestling" business..
C.M. Punk cut a long speech and verbally destroyed a fan in the crowd who was saying that he "sold out" to WWE..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - 4th Anniversary Show
February 25, 2006 - Edison, New Jersey
KICK OFF: They did a 10-bell salut for Johnny Grunge - who passed away recently..
TAG 3-WAY: The Briscoe Brothers defeated Tony Mamaluke & Salvatore Rinauro and Jason Blade & Kid Mikaze..
FOUR CORNER SURVIVAL: Adam Pearce defeated Claudio Castagnoli and Jay Fury and Azrieal..
GRUDGE MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated Jay Lethal..
MATCH: Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger & Lacey vs B.J. Whitmer ended in a No Contest..
Chris Hero, Necro Butcher and a few of CZW wrestlers hijacked the Ring of Honor as Hero taunted the fans..
Adam Pearce lead the charge and broke through the barrier and speared Chris Hero in the middle of the ring..
The ROH locker room emptied and a huge intense riot broke out with ROH reclaiming their ring from CZW....
Samoa Joe came out and took the fight to Chris Hero after Chris Hero yelled that nobody could stop him..
ROH was left standing in the ring when suddenly the Briscoe Brothers attacked Austin Aries & Roderick Strong..
Out of no-where, Homicide & Colt Cabana spilled into the arena brawling and starting their Street Fight..
GHETTO STREET FIGHT: Homicide w/Julius Smokes defeated Colt Cabana..
The match initially ended when the referee stopped it due to Colt Cabana not being in any condition to continue..
Colt Cabana got the microphone and told Homicide that the fight wasn't over and he would have to kill him to win..
Homicide came back and the match was restarted -- until the referee stopped the match again due to interference..
Homicide, Julius Smokes, and Ricky Reyes tied Colt Cabana to the corner ropes with tape and were beating on him..
Homicide told Cabana "it's over!" and left -- Colt Cabana was untied by the referee and then called Homicide back!
Homicide came back and the match was again restarted but ended with Homicide piledriving Cabana through a table..
The referee stopped the match for the last time and Homicide told Cabana that nobody messes with his personal life..
STUDENT MATCH: Bobby Dempsey defeated Mitch Franklin (Not Shown on DVD)..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana to retain..
MATCH: Ricky Reyes defeated Jack Evans by Submission..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated A.J. Styles & Matt Sydal to retain..
Everybody shook hands after the match and then the Briscoe Brothers attacked Austin Aries & Roderick Strong..
AJ Styles & Matt Sydal of course made the save and the Briscoes retreated saying they wanted the tag belts...
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Arena Warfare
March 11, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - ECW Arena
TAG SCRAMBLE: Homicide & Ricky Reyes beat Ring Crew Express and Jason Blade & Kid Mikaze and The Briscoes..
IN THE RING: BJ Whitmer called out CZW's Necro Butcher - but he didn't show up (crowd was pro-CZW)..
MATCH: Roderick Strong defeated Jimmy Yang by Submission..
IN THE RING: BJ Whitmer + Necro Butcher + Super Dragon..
BJ Whitmer came out once more and called out CZW's Necro Butcher, who actually appeared this time..
BJ Whitmer brawled with Necro Butcher for a few minuted until CZW's Super Dragon came out to help Butcher..
Several ROH Students and members of the ROH roster ran down to make the save along with Mark & Jay Briscoe..
MATCH: Austin Aries defeated Matt Sydal..
After the match, The Briscoes attacked Austin Aries until Roderick Strong made the save..
Matt Sydal challenged The Briscoe Brothers to a tag team match on ROH's 100th show..
TAG MATCH: The Dempsey Brothers defeated Pelle Primeau & Shane Hagadorn (Not on DVD)..
TAG MATCH: Irish Airborne (Jake & David Crist) defeated Salvatore Rinauro & Tony Mamaluke..
The team of "Irish Airborne", Jake & David Crist are better by their other names -- Crazy J & Lotus..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Alex Shelley w/Prince Nana to retain the ROH World title..
Very bizarre atmosphere after both men cut extremely hot heel promos to make sure the crowd hated both of them...
The crowd reacted by chanting "Boring!" throughout the match -- but both guys were still over with the audience..
The crowd may have played along by hating both men but they did give a very warm standing ovation afterwards..
MAIN EVENT - PART I: Colt Cabana defeated Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger..
Colt Cabana has a new entrance song with a special Ring of Honor theme --- nice vibe to it....
This was scheduled and advertised as a 3-WAY including Samoa Joe, but Joe was late arriving to the show..
Samoa Joe eventually showed up wearing street clothes and challenged the winner to a match right after..
MAIN EVENT - PART II: Samoa Joe defeated Colt Cabana...
Colt Cabana actually kicked out after a Muscle-buster AND reaches the ropes in the Kokina Clutch..
Samoa Joe was surpised, but recovered enough to hit a second Muscle-buster to put Cabana away..
EXTRA CIRRICULAR ACTIVITY: Ring of Honor vs Combat Zone..
BJ Whitmer hit the ring and called out the Combat Zone Wrestling guys and engaged in a massive brawl!
Necro Butcher & Super Dragon and some other CZW guys brawled with ROH's BJ Whitmer & Samoa Joe..
Several ROH students as well as members of Generation Next showed up to give Ring of Honor the advantage..
More CZW wrestlers showed up to join the battle and managed to get the vicious upper hand on Ring of Honor..
Ruckus, Sabian & others paired off with Generation Next to set up a 6-MAN Tag for CZW's show later that day..
Other CZW guys spotted: Sonjay Dutt, B-Boy, Jon Dahmer, Spyder Nate Webb, Maven Bentley, Blackout and others..
The CZW roster, led by Ultraviolent promoter John Zandig, proceeded to give BJ Whitmer a beating gang-style..
John Zandig, Lobo, Wifebeater, Justice Pain, Nick Gage and Super Dragon duct taped BJ Whitmer to the ropes..
The CZW invaders brought their weapons with them, including a staple gun, barbed-wire bat, and weed whacker..
John Zandig stapled BJ Whitmer's head and stomach and then spray painted the "CZW" on his back (nWo flashback)..
The CZW invaders began destroying the Ring of Honor set including all the guard rail signs and banners..
They went one step further and spray painted "CZW" over top of the ROH logo in the middle of the ring..
Other CZW wrestlers involved in the destruction included: Wifebeater, Justice Pain, Nick Gage, Lobo. etc..
About 20 CZW guys hung around the ring torturing BJ Whitmer and tormenting any fan who showed ROH support..
John Zandig held a barbed wire bat to BJ Whitmer's head and demanded a microphone but the DVD ended...
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Best In The World
March 25, 2006 - New York City, New York
MATCH: Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana defeated Pelle Primeau..
MATCH: Jimmy Yang w/Bruce LeRoy defeated Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana..
SHIMMER 4-WAY: Allison Danger defeated Lacey and Daizee Haze and Mercedes Martinez..
OPEN CHALLENGE: Chris Hero & Necro Butcher defeated Jason Blade & Kid Mizake..
Jason Blade & Kid Mizake issued open challenge and were destroyed by CZW's Chris Hero & Necro Butcher..
Chris Hero (who was granted his choice of ROH opponent) called out Adam Pearce for their match..
Adam Pearce came out and started brawling with Necro Butcher until Butcher was put through a Table!
ROH VS CZW MATCH: Adam Pearce vs Chris Hero w/Necro Butcher ended in an "unpopular" No Contest..
Chris Hero called for Claudio Castagnoli to come out and help administer a beat-down on Adam Pearce..
Claudio Castagnoli came out and proved his loyalty to ROH and turned on the two CZW wrestlers!!
MATCH: Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger defeated Alex Shelley w/Prince Nana & Daizee Haze..
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Claudio Castagnoli to retain the Pure title..
MATCH: Austin Aries defeated Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes by Disqualification..
Ricky Reyes got a choke submission on Austin Aries, who reached the rope, but Reyes wouldn't break it..
The referee disqualified Ricky Reyes for not releasing the hold (not a popular decision with fans)..
Roderick Strong & Jack Evans made the save, followed by the Briscoe Brothers attacking Strong & Evans..
TAG MATCH: Roderick Strong & Jack Evans defeated The Briscoe Brothers..
INTERNATIONAL TAG MATCH: KENTA & Naomichi Marufuji defeated American Dragon & Samoa Joe..
Samoa Joe and KENTA refused to shake hands before and after the match..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Dragon Gate Challenge
March 30, 2006 - Detroit, Michigan
(DARK MATCH) 4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Mitch Franklin defeated Smash Bradley and Derrick Dempsey and Bobby Dempsey..
(DARK MATCH) SHIMMER SHOWCASE: Lacey & Tiana Ringer defeated Allison Danger & Shantelle Taylor...
FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH: Homicide w/Julius Smokes defeated Colt Cabana..
Colt Cabana started the show saying he can't wait until after intermission and called out Homicide to start the match..
Homicide sandwiched Colt Cabana in a Ladder to win the match after about seven minutes to "win the feud" over Cabana..
MATCH: Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes defeated Chad Collyer by Submission with the Dragon Sleeper..
GRUDGE MATCH: B.J. Whitmer defeated Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey..
Lacey promised to let Jimmy Jacobs give her a foot massage in the locker room if he can "take out" BJ Whitmer..
BJ Whitmer went for a Power-bomb off the top rope but slipped and fell backwards, and Jacobs' head hit the apron!
After the show-stealing match, Jimmy Jacobs refused to shake his former partner hand to respect ROH tradition..
B.J. Whitmer said if Chris Hero & Necro Butcher were in the building that he would be waiting for them...
DRAGON GATE CHALLENGE MATCH #1: Ryo Saito defeated Jimmy Yang..
TAG MATCH: Alex Shelley & Jimmy Rave (w/Prince Nana & Daizee Haze) beat American Dragon & Delirious..
MATCH: Claudio Castagnoli defeated Shane Haggadorn...
After match, CZW's Chris Hero & Necro Butcher jumped the rail and into the ring to confront Claudio Castagnoli..
Chris Hero said Claudio Castagnoli was his best friend and would forgive him if he joined CZW against Ring of Honor.
BJ Whitmer ran out and Chris Hero & Necro Butcher beat on him until Double C came to his senses and saved Whitmer..
TAG MATCH: A.J. Styles & Matt Sydal defeated Dragon Kid & Genki Horiguchi..
6-MAN TAG: CIMA & Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino defeated Austin Aries & Roderick Strong & Jack Evans..
GRUDGE MATCH: Christopher Daniels defeated Samoa Joe..
It took an Angel's Wings and three consecutive Best Moonsault Evers to finish off Samoa Joe..
This marks the first time in Ring of Honor history that Chris Daniels pinned Samoa Joe in a singles match..
After the match, Chris Hero & Necro Butcher showed up again and Hero bragged about beating everyone in ROH..
Chris Hero & Necro Butcher attacked Samoa Joe (Daniels & Danger left) until B.J. Whitmer returned for the save!
Samoa Joe said he didn't care about ROH vs CZW but how his eyes were open and he "declared WAR!"..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Super Card of Honor
March 31, 2006 - Chicago Ridge, Illinois
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette & Lt. Commissioner Adam Pearce..
DVD Exclusive: Jim Cornette revealed that Low-Ki was the one who knocked his tooth out and banned him for life!
Jim Cornette came out and cut a promo praisig ROH and cut an anti-CZW speech to get the crowd pumped up..
Jim Cornette said BJ Whitmer had a broken ankle because some CZW guys attacked him after last night's show..
Jim Cornette had his Louisville baseball bat with him and promised to use it if any CZW wrestlers showed up..
Jim Cornette brought out two skinny masked wrestlers (ROH Students) and called them "hardcore" wrestlers..
Jim Cornette said he found a couple of opponents from the ROH roster to take on the two hardcore wrestlers..
TAG MATCH: Samoa Joe & Adam Pearce defeated two masked "hardcore" wrestlers (ROH students).....
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Ricky Reyes defeated Delirious and Flash Flanagan and Shane Hagadorn..
TAG MATCH: The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley) defeated Claudio Castagnoli & Jimmy Yang..
After the match, Chris Hero showed up and stole the microphone from ring announcer Bobby Cruise..
Chris Hero said Claudio Castagnoli used to be his best friend and then started throwing chairs towards the ring..
A bunch of ROH students tackles Chris Hero and threw him out of the building (for the time being).........
FIRST BLOOD MATCH: Ace Steel defeated Chad Collyer..
TAG MATCH: Matt Sydal (bloodied) & AJ Styles defeated Austin Aries & Jack Evans..
DRAGON GATE: Do Fixer (Dragon Kid/Genki Horiguchi/Ryo Saito) beat Blood Generation (CIMA/Nauki Doi/Masato Yoshino)..
This match started with fast-paced action and ended with ultra-fast-paced action with chants of "This Is Awesome!"..
CIMA shook hands with all three members of Do Fixer, which didn't set well with Nauki Doi & Masato Toshino..
SHIMMER 6-WAY: MsChif defeated Cheerleader Melissa and Allison Danger and Daizee Haze and Lacey and Rain..
SQUASH MATCH: Homicide defeated Mitch Franklin..
Colt Cabana (concussion) came out and had a lengthy brawl with Homicide resulting in Cabana getting busted open..
Homicide pulled a ladder from under the ring put Cabana's head between the ladder and smashed on it with a chair!
IN THE RING: Chris Hero & Necro Butcher + Adam Pearce & Claudio Castagnoli + Jim Cornette + Samoa Joe & BJ Whitmer..
CZW's Chris Hero & Necro Butcher hit the ring and cut a promo until Adam Pearce & Claudio Castagnoli came out..
Necro Btcher fought Adam Pearce all throughout the arena ending with both Necro & Pearce going through a Table!
Jim Cornette came out and whacked Necro Butcher with a baseball bat before getting taking down by Chris Hero..
Samoa Joe ran out to make the save and helped Adam Pearce and BJ Whitmer (ankle in a cast) chase them away....
Jim Cornette told the ROH students to take the trash (Necro & Hero) out and put them in the dumpster out back..
Jim Cornette thanked Samoa Joe, BJ Whitmer & Adam Pearce (the "Home Team") as the fans chanted each man's name..
Samoa Joe stayed back and said "I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, but I'm all out of bubble gum!"
TRIPLE THREAT: Samoa Joe defeated Christopher Daniels and Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Roderick Strong to retain (in 56 minutes)..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Better than Our Best
April 1, 2006 - Chicago Ridge, Illinois
Derek Dempsey defeated Pelle Primeau..
Claudio Castagnoli defeated Chad Collyer..
Smash Bradley defeated Rhett Titus..
Flash Flanagan defeated Bobby Dempsey..
Allison Danger & Daizee Haze & Mischif defeated Cheerleader Melissa & Lacey & Rain..
IN THE RING: Colt Cabana..
Colt Cabana came out even before the six girls from the pre-show had left the ring and called out Homicide..
A bunch of ROH Students came out to ringside to inform Colt Cabana that Homicide was not at the building yet..
SIX MAN MAYHEM: Jack Evans defeated Ace Steel and Matt Sydal and Jimmy Jacobs and Jake Crist and Dave Crist..
Jack Evans now leaves Ring of Honor to work a three month tour with Dragon Gate in Japan..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette + Colt Cabana + Delirious..
Jim Cornette said Adam Pearce was guarding all the entrances and exits and no CZW wrestler would get in tonight..
Colt Cabana came out and asked Jim Cornette to book a Chicago Street Fight in the main event and Cornette agreed..
Jim Cornette then called out Delirious and praised his work but said he has to win a match or he will lose his spot..
DO OR DIE MATCH: Delirious defeated Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes by Submission..
6-MAN TAG: Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley & Masato Yoshino beat Dragon Kid & Genki Horiguchi & Rya Saito..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Samoa Joe defeated A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels and Jimmy Yang (Joe pinned Styles)..
Samoa Joe called out American Dragon and they set up an ROH title match for some time in the future..
IN THE RING: Samoa Joe + Chris Hero & Necro Butcher + Adam Pearce + Claudio Castanoli & Jim Cornette + BJ Whitmer..
CZW's Chris Hero & Necro Butcher showed up and had a brawl with ROH's Adam Pearce all through the arena..
Claudio Castagnoli came out with Jim Cornette's bat but missed and got thrown and immediately grabbed his knee..
Jim Cornette jumped in the ring and was slapped and destroyed by Hero & Butcher until BJ Whitmer ran down to help..
BJ Whitmer (whose ankle is in a cast) was over-powered and destroyed by Chris Hero and Necro Butcher as well..
Chris Hero repeatedly smashed BJ Whitmer's ankle with a chair until finally the ROH Students ran out for the save..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Blood Generation (CIMA & Naruki Doi) to retain..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Lance Storm by Submission to retain the ROH title..
CHICAGO STREET FIGHT: Colt Cabana defeated Homicide in a Vicious, Brutal & Bloody match..
They used lots of weapons including a chair, a barbed wire board and Homicide's "Ghetto fork" hidden in his boot..
Colt Cabana viciously snabbed Homicide's forehead with the fork and then poured a bottle of alcohol all over him!
Colt Cabana superplexed Homicide into the chair filled ring (thrown in by the fans) but Homicide kicked out..
Homicide then hit a Pepsi Plunge (C.M. Punk's trademark move) off the top rope but Colt Cabana kicked out!
Julius Smokes got involved so Colt Cabana used his wrist tape to tie him to the ropes and take him out..
Both Colt Cabana and Homicide dragged a Table in and set up them up in opposite corners of the ring..
Colt Cabana power-bombed Homicide off the second rope through a Table crashing through onto barbed wire!
Homicide kicked out and was drilled with a Lariat and kicked out again but the Colt-45 finished him off!
After the match, Julius Smokes & Ricky Reyes attacked Colt Cabana after the match and put him in a noose..
Homicide ordered his fellow Rotweillers to stop shook hands & hugged Colt Cabana to settle their feud..
Homicide also told Colt Cabana that he respected him and that he was sorry for everything in the past..
The Rotweillers exited and Colt Cabana's old music played and Cabana celebrated in front of his hometown..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - The 100th Show
April 22, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
DARK MATCH: Apocalypse defeated Rick Titus..
DARK 6-WAY: Pelle Primeau beat Shane Hagadorn & Bobby Dempsey & Smash Bradley & Mitch Franklin & Matt Turner..
DARK TAG MATCH: Blackball'd (Rockin' Rebel & Greg Matthews) defeated ?????? & ??????..
MATCH: Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger defeated Claudio Castagnoli..
For the first time in Ring of Honor history, Christopher Daniels respectfully shook his opponents hand after the match..
Chris Hero showed up in the crowd and called the ROH fans a bunch of Smart-Marks and then stood in the CZW section..
The arena was split in two with ROH fans and CZW fans separated on different sides chanting for their respective brands..
The ROH chants were louder than the CZW chants and Chris Hero left the building showered with "Joe is Gonna Kill You!"
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Delirious defeated Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana and Jimmy Jacobs and Jimmy Yang w/Bruce Leroy..
Lacey was absent, but promised that if Jimmy Jacobs proved himself that she would show some skin on
Jimmy Jacobs brought a portrait of Lacey to the ring, which Jimmy Yang started humping to infuriate Jimmy Jacobs!
Jimmy Jacobs later had the match won, but declined the pinfall, stating that he didn't want fans to see Lacey naked..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated The Rottweilers (Homicide & Ricky Reyes) to retain..
ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Colt Cabana to retain the ROH World title..
The match lasted only six minutes, and ended with a quick roll-up out of nowhere pinning Colt Cabana..
Colt Cabana was so disgusted with himself after the match he was sent into a confused frenzy..
TOP OF CLASS TROPHY MATCH: Derrick Dempsey defeated Pelle Primuea to retain the Trophy..
IN THE RING: ROH Champion American Dragon..
American Dragon came back out to Congratulate the ROH Students since he is the new head trainer at the ROH School..
American Dragon proceeded to torment the side of the arena set aside for CZW fans in attendance and even mooned them!
The CZW fans reacted by chanting "over-Rated" at him, causing Dragon to proclaim himself a "Real World's Champion..
American Dragon said since he only wrestled six minutes tonight that he would defend the ROH Title a second time!
ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Delirious by referee stoppage to retain the ROH World title..
Delirious put on the performance of a life-time, having his mask ripped and his head bloodied by Dragon..
The referee ended the match when American Dragon destroyed Delirious with repeated elbows to the head..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay Briscoe) defeated AJ Styles & Matt Sydal...
THE GREAT DEBATE: (Gary Michael Cappetta moderator) ROH's Jim Cornette vs CZW's John Zandig..
Jim Cornette said the Philadelphia fans were smart and said to chose between ROH's wrestling and CZW's "freak show"..
Jim Cornette talked circles around John Zandig, until Zandig had enough and called out Team CZW for the main event..
Team CZW (Combat Zone Wrestling) = Chris Hero, Necro Butcher, & Super Dragon..
Team ROH (Ring of Honor) = Samoa Joe, B.J. Whitmer, & Adam Pearce..
The National Guard Amory was set up with ROH fans on one side, and CZW fans sitting on the opposite side..
Adam Pearce suffered several sick lacerations to the top of the head spilling massive amounts of blood..
Super Dragon gave BJ Whitmer a sick move off the ring apron through a wooden Table landing on his head!
The finish saw Claudio Castagnoli turn on Ring Of Honor and helped CZW's Chris Hero attack ROH's Samoa Joe..
Claudio Castagnoli helped Chris Hero nail Adam Pearce with the Hero's Welcome for the pinfall and victory!
After the match, John Zandig, Chris Hero, Necro Butcher & Super Dragon celebrated with the CZW fans...
ROH's Samoa Joe declared "this is only the beginning" as the show came to a close..........
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Weekend of Champions (Night 1)
April 28, 2006 - Dayton, Ohio
DARK MATCH: Chad Collyer defeated ?????..
MATCH: Colt Cabana defeated Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey..
Lacey told Jimmy Jacobs that if he lost tonight he couldn't be in Lacey's Angels or talk to her ever again..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette & Ace Steel & Colt Cabana..
Jim Cornette cut a promo on CZW and wanted to call them a bunch of chickens, but didn't want to insult the chickens..
Jim Cornette asked Colt Cabana to join Team ROH and Cabana declined, but then changed his mind and agreed to join..
TAG MATCH: Irish Airborne (David & Jake Christ) defeated Jay Fury & Spud..
After the match, Super Dragon showed up and attacked a fan and tossed him over the rail into the ringside area..
Super Dragon bolted out the exit, as ROH students in street clothes showed up and chased him out the door!
MATCH: Jimmy Rave w/Daizee Haze vs Delirious ended in a 15-Minute Time Limit Draw.
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Christopher Daniels by Countout to retain the Pure title..
Nigel McGuinness used up all three of his rope breaks early and became desperate to keep his ROH Pure title..
Nigel McGuinness grabbed ROH photographer Mary Kate Grosso and pushed her into Daniels causing him to be Counted out!
DARK MATCH: Flash Flanagan defeated Apocalypse (Not shown on DVD home release)..
ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Jimmy Yang by Submission to retain the ROH World title..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Samoa Joe & Matt Sydal to retain..
After the match, Samoa Joe called out Combat Zone Wrestling and the big interpromotional fight began..
Necro Butcher, Nate Webb and Super Dragon attacked Samoa Joe, bringing out Ace Steel & Colt Cabana for ROH..
Samoa Joe was tied up backstage by Necro Butcher & Claudio Castagnoli making it 4-on-2 anything goes brawl...
ANYTHING GOES FIGHT: Team Combat Zone Wrestling defeated Team Ring of Honor..
TEAM ROH = "Crazy" Ace Steel, "Classic" Colt Cabana, BJ Whitmer, and Adam Pearce..
TEAM CZW = "Spyder" Nate Webb, Claudio Castagnoli, Super Dragon, and Necro Butcher.
Suddenly BJ Whitmer (in a neck brace) came out and delivered stiff chairshots to all CZW guys..
Claudio Castagnoli attacked BJ Whitmer and ripped off the neck brace and went to work on him..
Adam Pearce (with 20 staples in his head) hit the ring to to help defend the honor of ROH..
All four ROH guys backdropped Spyder Nate Webb over the top rope onto all of the CZW guys..
At this point it got even more chaotic with fighting all over the arena for the next 20 minutes..
Super Dragon gave BJ Whitmer a top rope double-stomp with Whitmer's head face down on a chair!
Claudio Castagnoli gave B.J. Whitmer an unncesessary Musclebuster to give CZW the victory!
Fans in attendance were told to clear the arena as BJ Whitmer was carefully stretchered out...
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Weekend of Champions 2
April 29, 2006 - Cleveland, Ohio
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Shane Hagadorn defeated ????? and ????? and ?????..
DARK MATCH: Chad Collyer defeated Rhett Titus..
IN THE RING: B.J. Whitmere + Jim Cornette & Adam Pearce + Claudio Castagnoli + Ace Steel..
ROH's B.J. Whitmer showed up wearing a neck brace and challenged anyone from CZW to come out and fight him..
Commissioner Jim Cornette (on crutches) came out and suggested that Whitmer rest up and fight another day..
B.J. Whitmer left and Jim Cornette cut an Anti-WWE promo and also took shots at Combat Zone Wrestling..
Jim Cornette said he needed knee surgery appointed Adam Pearce as Lt. Commissioner in his absence..
Spyder Nate Webb attacked Adam Pearce and reopened his head wounds until Ace Steel made the save!
TAG MATCH: Colt Cabana & Conrad Kennedy III defeated Irish Airborne (Dave & Jake Crist)..
MATCH: Delirious defeated Chris Sabin by Submission..
6-MAN MAYHEM: Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey beat Jimmy Yang and Trik Davis and Flash Flanagan and Jay Fury and Spud..
Lacey gave Jimmy Jacobs one final chance to win a match or else he was no longer allowed to talk to her..
In the first 30 seconds Jimmy Jacobs did a leap-frog and split his pants in a very funny unplanned moment..
A minute later, Jimmy Yang tagged in and grabbed the material and made the tear on Jacobs' pants worse!
The four non-regulars went all out trying to get noticed as fans wondered which "Jimmy" would win..
After the match, Lacey proclaimed "I can't believe you won.... you NEVER win!" as they left..
Flash Flanagan refused to shake hands but the remaining four competitors shook hands..
MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated Claudio Castagnoli by Disqualification..
Claudio Castagnoli said he wanted a "wrestling" match with Samoa Joe as opposed to the proposed "fight"..
After some good wrestling, CZW's Spyder Nate Webb & Necro Butcher interfered and caused the Disqualification.
The CZW guys laid out Samoa Joe and ROH's Ace Steel & Adam Pearce made the save..
Claudio Castagnoli disappeared. Spyder Nate Webb took a piledriver from Adam Pearce..
CZW's Super Dragon showed up next, followed by the injured B.J. Whitmer, leading to:
INTERPROMOTIONAL MATCH: B.J. Whitmer defeated Super Dragon after an Exploder through a Table at ringside!
MATCH: "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels defeated Matt Sydal (and Shook hands after the match)..
TITLE VS TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness (Pure Champion) defeated American Dragon (World Champion) by Countout..
American Dragon used the cravat to wear down Nigel McGuinness until McGuinness reluctantly used up one rope break..
Nigel McGuiness threw a closed fist behind the referees back, and American Dragon threw one back and got a warning..
American Dragon was frustrated by this and threw a second closed fist and the referee took one of his rope breaks..
Nigel Micguess used up his second rope break and American Dragon used up his second and third putting them in play..
American Dragon reversed the Tower of London into Cattle Mutilation forcing McGuiness to use his final rope break..
Nigel McGuiness suplexed American Dragon off the ring apron sending both men crashing to the hard wooden floor..
Nigel McGuiness choked Dragon with a Table and slid into the ring, and Dragon slid in just before the 20 Count!
American Dragon hooked Nigel McGuiness in Cattle Mutilation and McGuiness reached the ropes but they were in play..
Nigel McGuiness worked his way inch by inch to the edge of the ring and slid out of the ring to escape submission!
American Dragon speared Nigel McGuiness with a Tope at ringside and then backdropped McGuiness into the front row!
American Dragon then nailed a spingboard suicide dive onto Nigel Mcguinness, who smashed Dragon with a steel chair!
Nigel McGuiness managed to get back into the ring, but American Dragon was still out cold as the 20-count closed!
The ring announcer started to announce Nigel McGuiness as the NEW ROH World Champion, but the referee corrected him..
American Dragon retained his ROH World title because title cannot change on a Countout..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong beat The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley w/Daizee Haze) to retain..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - How We Roll
May 12, 2006 - Lake Grove, New York
OPENING MATCH: Matt Sydal defeated Jimmy Yang..
IN THE RING: Delirious & Colt Cabana & Christopher Daniels + Christian Cage + American Dragon..
Delirious & Colt Cabana & Christopher Daniels came out for their scheduled 4-Corner Survival match..
Christian Cage made his first appearance in ROH saying he came out for one reason - to talk to Colt Cabana..
Christian Cage did some comedy and asked Colt Cabana to be his tag team partner against American Dragon later..
American Dragon came out and bragged about everybody he's beaten and that makes him the best Champion in wrestling..
American Dragon said he's the only wrestler to not sell-out to corporate wrestling and stick by Ring of Honor..
Christian Cage interrupted and called American Dragon "John Cena with A.I.D.S." and also called him an asshole!
Christian Cage said he respected the Ring of Honor Championship and Dragon will respect him by the end of the night..
American Dragon said he defeated Colt Cabana in five minutes and then asked Christopher Daniels to be his partner..
Christopher Daniels said he has no problem with Colt or Christian but he's hurt that Cage didn't pick him first..
Christopher Daniels agreed to be American Dragon's partner, only if he gets one more shot at the ROH World title..
American Dragon said if they win tonight he will give Christopher Daniels a shot at the Ring of Honor title..
TRIPLE THREAT: Delirious defeated Nigel McGuiness (ROH Pure Champion) and Kikutaro..
Colt Cabana and Christopher Daniels left the ring leaving Delirious to wrestle the 4th guy Nigel McGuiness..
Nigel McGuiness (the 4th scheduled opponent) came out and they were joined by substitute Kikutaro (aka Ebassan)..
Lots of comedy in this match including a hilarious "slow motion" spot by Delirious and Kikutaro..
Delirious eventually made Kikutaro tap out to the Cobra Stretch to win the match...
TAG MATCH: The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley) defeated Homicide & Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes by DQ..
Daizee Haze wanted a piece of Homicide before the match, but Prince Nana held her back as Homicide taunted her..
Mid-way through the match, Prince Nana and Julius Smokes got so riled up they jumped in the ring wanting to fight..
Homicide was really over with the crowd and so was Julius Smokes but Ricky Reyes was his usual disgruntled self..
Prince Nana interfered behind the referees back but Julius Smokes interfered and was caught causing the DQ..
After the match, Homicide said "F*ck Ring of Honor and F*ck this company!" and walked out....
IN THE RING: Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli (wearing the CHIKARA Tag Team title belts)..
Chris Hero said Homicide doesn't give a damn about Ring of Honor and neither should any of the fans..
Claudio Castagnoli called out Commission James E. Cornette -- but he was not there because he's a coward!
Claudio Castagnoli said Jim Cornette is a smart man and he realizes Ring of Honor is a sinking ship..
Chris Hero said the Kings of Wrestling are the reason Ring of Honor is a sinking ship..
INTERPROMOTIONAL TAG MATCH: Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli defeated Adam Pearce & B.J. Whitmer..
There were two referees appointed to the match, ROH's Todd Sinclair and CZW's Bryce Remsburg..
Todd Sinclair was about to count the 1-2-3 for Ring of Honor when Bryce Remsburg interrupted the count!
CZW's Necro Butcher interfered and helped the Kings of Wrestling score the important victory over ROH..
The three CZW guys continued the assault over BJ Whitmer & Adam Pearce until Samoa Joe made the save!
The Kings of Wrestling dragged Necro Butcher away and Samoa Joe challenged Butcher to a future match..
MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated Apocalypse (from Stampede Wrestling in Calgary, Alberta)..
MATCH: Mark Briscoe defeated Roderick Strong..
MATCH: Jay Briscoe defeated Austin Aries by Submission..
MAIN EVENT: Christian Cage & Colt Cabana defeated American Dragon & Christopher Daniels..
Christian Cage nailed Christopher Daniels with the Unprettier and scored the 1-2-3 to win the match!
American Dragon had the opportunity to break up the pinfall but waved it off and abandoned Chris Daniels..
Christian Cage & Colt Cabana shook hands with Christopher Daniels as American Dragon retreated with his belt..
After the match, Christopher Daniels talked on the microphone about being apart of both ROH and TNA..
Christopher Daniels said both promotions were about professional wrestlers..
Christopher Daniels said he didn't want to hear F-TNA or F-ROH any more..
Christian Cage started a "Fallen Angel" chant as the show ended..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Ring of Homicide
May 13, 2006 - Edison, New Jersey
MATCH: Colt Cabana defeated Kikitaru (formerly Ebessan)..
TAG MATCH: The Rottweilers (Homicide & Ricky Reyes) defeated The Ring Crew Express (Dunn & Marcos)..
Lt. Commissioner Adam Pearce showed up and asked if Homicide to join Ring of Honor in its feud against CZW..
Homicide did not give an answer as he dropped the microphone and walked out leaving his status up in the air..
MATCH: Jimmy Rave (w/Prince Nana & Daizee Haze) defeated Jimmy Yang..
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuiness defeated Jay Lethal (sub for Alex Shelley) to retain..
Nigel McGuiness said he's beaten Austin Aries, Roderick Strong & American Dragon and that makes him the BEST Champion..
Nigel McGuiness made an open challenge to any former ROH champion ---- and Jay Lethal made his return to Ring of Honor!
After an exciting match, Nigel McGuiness had to nail Jay Lethal with two consecutive Towers of London to retain his belt!
ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Delirious to retain the ROH World title..
American Dragon called Samoa Joe, Chris Daniels and Delirious a bunch of "retards" who don't deserve a title match..
American Dragon said Nigel McGuiness didn't deserve a rematch either and continued to talk and piss the fans off.
Delirious took the mic and cut a promo which nobody could understand but cheered wildly all the way through it!
There was a group of CZW fans there who chanted "Over Rated!" and "Same Old Shit!" at ROH Champion American Dragon..
Those fans chanted "TNA reject" as ROH fans chanted "Shut the F'up" and Dragon reminded them that HE rejected TNA..
Delirious miraculously escaped both the crossface chicken-wing AND cattle mutilation AND elbow shots to the head!
Delirious made a brief inspirational come-back only to get pinned with a quick small package by American Dragon!
Editor's Notes: The "Master of the Small Package" strikes again!!!
After American Dragon left, Delirious received a standing ovation..
MATCH: "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels defeated Matt Sydal..
Christopher Daniels beat Matt Sydal in two previous matches at Dissension and Weekend of Champions Night 2..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Generation Next (Austin Aries & Roderick Strong) defeated The Briscoe Brothers to retain..
The Briscoes nailed Roderick Strong with a Spike Jay-Driller and one Briscoe covered Roderick Strong..
Meanwhile, Austin Aries (legal man) rolled up Mark Briscoe (the other legal man) for the 1-2-3 to win the match!
ROH VS CZW: Samoa Joe vs Necro Butcher ended in a No Contest..
Necro Butcher had his own Combat Zone Wrestling referee, and Samoa Joe brought out his own Ring of Honor referee..
Necro Butcher destroyed the Ring of Honor referee, so Samoa Joe retaliated by destroying the Combat Zone referee...
The match then started and was incredibly stiff -- as it is every time Joe and Necro lock it up in any promotion..
Chris Hero eventually appeared to help Butcher and a minute later Claudio Castagnoli joined in the beat-down on Joe..
Finally Adam Pearce & B.J. Whitmer hit the ring to save Joe and hit Necro Butcher with a sick power-bomb on 2 chairs!
The three CZW guys ended up getting the upper hand until Homicide showed up to save the day for Ring of Honor..
It came down to a show-down between Homicide and Necro Butcher in the ring so they started an unscheduled match!
ROH VS CZW: Homicide defeated Necro Butcher....
The match started with fierce action including a lot of chairs flying around and smashing into the brawlers heads..
It resulted in the fans showering Necro Butcher with chairs in the ring (the old Terry Funk chair-throwing ECW stunt)..
Homicide power-bombed Necro Butcher onto the mountain of steel chairs and then put Butcher through a table at ringside!
The ringside crew cleared the ring of chairs and Homicide gave Butcher the Lariat scored the 1-2-3 to win the match!!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Destiny
June 3, 2006 - East Windsor, Connecticut
DARK MATCH: Bobby Dempsey defeated Alex Payne..
DARK MATCH: "Handsome" Johnny defeated Kelly Primo..
DARK MATCH: Lacey defeated Allison Danger in a SHIMMER match..
MATCH: Davey Richards (debut) defeated Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana..
TOP OF CLASS TROPHY MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Derrick Dempsey by Submission to win the Trophy!
SHIMMER WOMENS ATHLETES MATCH: "American Angel" Sara Del Rey defeated Daizee Haze..
After the match, American Dragon came out while "American Angel" Sara Del Rey was still in the ring..
The fans teased Dragon for being smaller than Del Ray and decided to stay away to avoid comparison..
American Dragon put the match over saying it was way better than any Women's matches on Television (WWE)..
American Dragon said everybody who watches SHIMMER DVDs knows Sara Del Rey is the best and HE trained her!
IN THE RING: ROH World Champion American Dragon..
American Dragon said he doesn't know why ROH came back to Connecticut and they shouldn't ever come back again..
American Dragon talked about his match with Homicide and brought up his victories during the Best of Five Series..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Colt Cabana defeated Adam Pearce and Jason Blade and Delirious (Jason Blade tapped out!)..
GRUDGE MATCH: Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger defeated B.J. Whitmer..
Before the match, BJ Whitmer said the war with CZW made him realize he never truly hated Daniels or Danger..
BJ Whitmer said he wanted to give the fans a hard-nosed wrestling match and then shook Chris Daniels' hand..
After the match, all three shook hands and they hinted that the prophecy might return some day in the future..
MATCH: Shingo Takagi (Dragon Gate) defeated Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Homicide w/Julius Smokes by referee stoppage..
Samoa Joe was there in street clothes as the special guest ring announcer and clearly favoured Homicide to win..
American Dragon ordered Joe to called him "Best Wrestler in the World" but Joe said "Palest Wrestler in the World!"
American Dragon smashed Homicide with stiff elbow-shots to the head so badly that the referee stopped the match!
Samoa Joe protested as Homicide got up and screamed that he didn't give up and the fans wanted "Five more Minutes!"
Commissioner Adam Pearce came out and called Jim Cornette on the phone and Cornette agreed with the ref's decision..
Homicide had a temper tantrum and yelled "F*&^ You Ring of Honor!!" and walked out exiting through the crowd..
American Dragon took out Samoa Joe's injured knee and Joe had to be helped to the backstage area..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated The Briscoe Brothers to retain..
Austin Aries officially dispanded Generation Next and said it was just "Aries and Strong" from now on..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - In Your Face
June 17, 2006 - New York City, New York (New Yorker Hotel)
DARK MATCH: Jake Crist (from Irish Airborn) defeated Marcos (from The Ring Crew Express)..
DARK MATCH: Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes defeated David Crist (from Irish Airborn) by Submission..
After the match, Chris Hero jumped the rail and knocked out Julius Smokes with a belt shot to the head..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay) defeated Jason Blade & Sterling James Keenan..
MATCH: Davey Richards defeated Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana by Submission..
During the toilet paper scene somenody threw broken glass in the ring and it sliced the backs of both wrestlers..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Nigel McGuinness & Colt Cabana to retain..
Colt Cabana shook hands afterwards but McGuinness only slapped hands and gave Aries & Strong the middle finger!
GRUDGE MATCH: BJ Whitmer vs Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey ended in a No Contest..
BJ Whitmer suffered a cut on his forhead and Jimmy Jacobs brushed the blood on himself as a badge of honor..
BJ Whitmer power-bombed Jimmy Jacobs off the top rope into the crowd onto a couple of "planted" fans (crazy)..
TOP OF CLASS TROPHY MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Mitch Franklin to retain the Top of Class trophy..
ROH VS CZW MATCH: Adam Pearce defeated Claudio Castagnoli by DQ when Chris Hero interfered..
ROH VS CZW MATCH: Homicide defeated Chris Hero after a powerful Lariat in a brutal match..
Since this was six days after WWE's "ECW One Night Stand" PPV the fans were heard chanting "F#&% John Cena!"
Homicide was doing the "Three Amigos" (consequetive suplexes) when the crowd erupted with chants of "Eddie! Eddie!"
Homicide said he would quit ROH if he wasn't granted another shot at the ROH World Final Battle!
MAIN EVENT: KENTA defeated Samoa Joe and American Dragon in a 3-WAY ROH Classic..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Throwdown
June 23, 2006 - Detroit, Michigan
DARK MATCH: Gutter defeated Bobby Dempsey..
DARK MATCH: C.J. Otis defeated Rhett Titus..
TAG MATCH: Irish Airborne (Jake & David Crist) defeated Shane Hagadorn & Keith Walker..
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McNiguiness defeated Conrad Kennedy III to retain the Pure title..
Nigel McGuinness has started using the "I have til five, referee!" gimmick as a shot at American Dragon,,
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay) defeated Colt Cabana & Ace Steel..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Delirious defeated Samoa Joe and Davey Richards and Jimmy Rave..
IN THE RING: Claudio Castagnoli & Necro Butcher..
Claudio Castagnoli & Necro Butcher jumped the rail and cut promos on various ROH wrestlers and praized CZW..
FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH: Adam Pearce defeated Necro Butcher by DQ when Claudio Castagnoli interfered..
INTERPROMOTIONAL MATCH: ROH's Homicide defeated CZW's Claudio Castagnoli..
ROH TITLE 3-WAY ELIMINATION: American Dragon defeated Jimmy Jacobs and BJ Whitmer to retain!
B.J. Whitmer was eliminated first, then Jimmy Jacobs tapped out to the crossface chicken-wing!
MAIN EVENT: KENTA defeated Roderick Strong with the Go-To-Sleep..
After the match, The Briscoe Brothers attacked Roderick Strong but KENTA came to his rescue!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Chi-Town Struggle
June 24, 2006 - Chicago Ridge, Illinois
DARK MATCH: Josh Abercrombie defeated Rhett Titus..
DARK MATCH: Boz defeated Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne..
DARK MATCH 3-WAY: Keith Walker defeated Bobby Dempsey and C.J. Otis..
TAG MATCH: Irish Airborne (Jake & Dave Crist) defeated Shane Hagadorn & Trik Davis..
MATCH: Roderick Strong defeated Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay) defeated Jimmy Rave & Conrad Kennedy III w/Prince Nana..
Prince Nana was accompanied by his bodyguard Daizee Haze and the injured Alex Shelley representing the Embassy..
MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated Delirious..
Necro Butcher appeared after the match to confront Samoa Joe, and Claudio Castagnoli took out Joe's knee!
Adam Pearce & B.J. Whitmer & Ace Steel hit the ring to make the save, leading to the following match..
BUNKHOUSE MATCH: Claudio Castagnoli & Necro Butcher & Nate Webb beat Adam Pearce & Ace Steel & BJ Whitmer..
Syder Nate Webb brought one of the most creative hardcore weapons of all time to the ring -- a crown of thorns..
The match ended when Claudio Castagnoli leveled B.J. Whitmer (wearing the crown of thorns) with a chairshot..
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Homicide by Countout to retain the Pure Championship..
Homicide went crazy after the match, feeling that he had been once again screwed by Ring of Honor..
Adam Pearce tried to calm Homicide down but Homicide instead exited the building through the crowd..
DREAM MATCH: KENTA defeated Austin Aries with the Go To Sleep..
The Briscoe Brothers hit the ring after the match and attacked KENTA and Austin Aries..
Roderick Strong made the save as the crowd chanted "Please Come Back!" at KENTA..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Colt Cabana to retain the ROH World title..
American Dragon did his "I have to Five, referee!" thing and a group of CZW fans started chanting "Same Old Shit!"
Colt Cabana got the Cattle Mutilation, elbow-shots to the head, a Lariat, and the Colt 45, but Dragon got the pin!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Death Before Dishonor 4
July 15, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
OPENING MATCH: Delirious defeated Seth Delay..
IN THE RING: Prince Nana introduced the newest member of The Embassy..... Salvatore Rinauro!!
TAG MATCH: Jimmy Rave & Salvatore Rinauro w/Prince Nana defeated Colt Cabana & Jay Lethal..
Sal Rinauro (who was hired to be Jimmy Rave's foot stool) took a major beating during this tag team match..
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuiness defeated Roderick Strong by Countout..
The Pure Champion got in trouble when he used up all three of his rope breaks early in this title defense..
Nigel McGuiness tossed Roderick Strong over the rail and got in the ring, Strong made it back at the 19th count..
There was a brief flurry of intense action that caused the fans to erupted with chants of "This is Awesome!"..
Nigel McGuiness tried to cause a Double Countout and gave Roderick Strong a brutal DDT on the concrete floor..
Nigel McGuiness pulled Roderick Strong by the leg and slid into the ring just in time to retain his title!
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette + American Dragon..
Jim Cornette cut a severely anti-Vince McMahon promo and trashed the new ECW on Sci-FI product..
Jim Cornette said he was unable to grant Homicide's three wishes so he was looking for a 5th member of Team ROH..
American Dragon showed up to rile up the CZW fan side of the arena and accepted the the 5th spot for Cage of Death..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay) defeated Irish Airborne (David & Jake Crist)..
MATCH: A.J. Styles defeated Davey Richards with a Styles Clash..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Sonjay Dutt by referee stoppage..
The referee stopped the match after a vicious flurry of elbows to the face and head of Sonjay Dutt..
CAGE OF DEATH: Team Ring of Honor defeated Team Combat Zone Wrestling...
Legendary IV Horsemen manager JJ Dillon was there as the door keeper..
Team ROH: Samoa Joe, Adam Pearce, BJ Whitmer, Ace Steel, and American Dragon..
Team CZW: Chris Hero, Necro Butcher, Nate Webb, Claudio Castagnoli, and Eddie Kingston..
The cage was an Octagon structure filled with lots of weapons like barbed wire, forks, thumb tacks, tables...
American Dragon abandoned ROH and attacked Samoa Joe -- Dragon left and Joe had to be stretchered out of the ring..
Homicide showed up and the ROH fans erupted as he poured out some tacks -- Necro Butcher was, of course, barefoot..
After a series of sick bumps (a Cage of Death tradition), Homicide hit Nate Webb with a Copkilla on barbed wire..
Homicide scored the victory and was praised by Commissioner Jim Cornette, who offered to grant Cide's three wishes..
Homicide said he wanted a match with Steve Corino, an ROH World title shot and for Low Ki to be brought back to ROH..
Jim Cornette okayed the first two wishes but continued to refuse to bring back Low Ki (who was suspended months ago)
Homicide freaked out and spit in Jim Cornette's face -- causing Adam Pearce to save Cornette by attacking Homicide..
Jim Cornette sprayed Homicide in the face with some kind of Mace or something as JJ Dillon locked the Cage door..
They handcuffed Homicide to the ringpost and Jim Cornette whipped him with his belt in a shocking end to the show..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - War of the Wire II
July 28, 2006 - Dayton, Ohio
MATCH: Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey defeated Trik Davis..
TAG MATCH: Davey Richards & Jerelle Clark defeated The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro w/Daizee Haze)..
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Colt Cabana by Countout to retain the Pure title!
MATCH: Matt Sydal defeated "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger..
Christopher Daniels put over Matt Sydal after the match and offered to tag up and go for the Tag Team titles..
(DARK) TAG MATCH: Irish Airborne (Jake & David Crist) defeated Pelle Primeau & Alex Payne..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Austin Aries defeated American Dragon (pinned) and Delirious and Homicide..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers defeated Roderick Strong & Jack Evans...
INTERMISSION: Claudio Castagnoli & Spyder Nate Webb jumped the rail..
NO ROPES BARBED WIRE MATCH: B.J. Whitmer defeated The Necro Butcher..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Generation Now
July 29, 2006 - Cleveland, Ohio
6-MAN TAG: Alex Payne & Rhett Titus & Bobby Dempsey beat Trik Davis & C.J. Otis & Pelle Primeau..
DARK MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Egotistico Fantastico..
MATCH: Delirious defeated Claudio Castagnoli..
TAG MATCH: The Embassy (Sal Rinauro & Jimmy Rave) defeated The Second City Saints (Colt Cabana & Ace Steel)..
MATCH: Jay Briscoe w/Mark Briscoe defeated Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey with a Jay-Driller..
MATCH: Homicide defeated Mark Briscoe w/Jay Briscoe..
8-MAN TAG: Davey Richards & Jerelle Clark & Irish Airborne defeated Generation Next..
Generation Next: Austin Aries & Roderick Strongs & Jack Evans & Matt Sydal..
The Briscoes wiped their butts with Gen-Next shirts until the four members attacked them..
Homicide came out and busted Jay Briscoe's forehead open with a vicious chairshot to the face!
DARK MATCH: B.J. Whitmer defeated Chris Banks (formerly Chris Cage of OVW/WWE)..
MATCH: Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger defeated Christian Cage with an Angel's Wings..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Nigel McGuinness to retain the ROH World title..
American Dragon was dumped over the top rope and crawled under the ring and snuck up behind McGuinness..
American Dragon rolled up Nigel McGuinness with the small package for the 1-2-3 to retain the ROH belt!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Time To Man Up
August 4, 2006 - Lake Grove, New York
TOP OF CLASS TROPHY: Shane Hagadorn defeated ?????? to retain the Top Of The Class Trophy..
NON (ROH WORLD) TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Jack Evans by Submission..
After the match, KENTA showed up but was attacked by the Briscoes - Davey Richards made the save!
TAG MATCH: Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal w/Allison Danger defeated Irish Airborne (Jake & David Crist)..
MATCH: Colt Cabana defeated Claudio Castagnoli..
ULTIMATE ENDURANCE MATCH: Aries & Strong vs Rave/Rinauro vs Pearce/Whitmer vs Homicide/Reyes..
Homicide attacked Adam Pearce trying to get revenge for what happened at the end of Death Before Dishonor..
The Embassy (Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro) were eliminated first in the Tag Scramble Rules match..
Adam Pearce & B.J. Whitmer were eliminated by Disqualification in the second fall (Tap-out Match)...
Steve Corino showed up and knocked out Homicide with a roll of quarters and quickly exited..
The Rottweilers (Homicide & Ricky Reyes) were eliminated in the third and final fall..
Austin Aries & Roderick Strong won the match and retained their ROH Tag Team titles..
Austin Aries revealed that someone had stolen the ROH Tag Team belts from the locker room..
IN THE RING: Steve Corino + Homicide + Adam Pearce + B.J. Whitmer..
Steve Corino made his shocking return to Ring of Honor by attacking his nemisis Homicide!
Homicide came back out to fight Steve Corino but Adam Pearce joined in and double-teamed Homicide..
B.J. Whitmer ran down and sided with Homicide -- setting up a possible tag team match for tomorrow..
PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Delirious to retain the Pure title..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers defeated KENTA & Davey Richards..
MAIN EVENT: Samoa Joe defeated A.J. Styles..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Fight of the Century
August 5, 2006 - Edison, New Jersey
MATCH: Colt Cabana defeated Sal Rinauro (w/Prince Nana & Jimmy Rave) by Submission..
MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Bobby Dempsey in 5 seconds after using a foriegn object..
Adam Pearce came out and Congratulated Shane Hagadorn on winning the fastest match in Ring of Honor history..
Shane Hagadorn sucked up to Adam Pearce saying he was "humbled" (Special Thanks to the great Iron Sheik)..
Adam Pearce told Shane Hagadorn if he worked hard maybe some day he could be Ring of Honor commissioner too..
Adam Pearce called out B.J. Whitmer and asked him if he was going to him him carry out Jim Cornette's wishes..
B.J. Whiter said he respected Homicide, and then Steve Corino attacked Whitmer from behind and beat him up!
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Nigel McGuiness defeated Jay Lethal and Claudio Castagnoli and Christopher Daniels..
ULTIMATE ENDURANCE MATCH: Aries & Strong vs The Briscoes vs Irish Airborn vs Sydal & Evans..
The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay Briscoe) were eliminated by Irish Airborne in the first fall (Tag Scramble)..
Irish Airborn (Jake Crist & David Crist) were eliminated by Submission in the second fall (Tap Out Rules)..
Matt Sydal & Jack Evans were eliminated by Roderick Strong & Austin Aries in a regular tag team match..
Roderick Strong & Austin Aries retain their ROH World Tag Team Titles (the belts were stolen last night)..
TAG MATCH: Homicide & B.J. Whitmer defeated Steve Corino & Adam Pearce by Disqualification..
Homicide came out alone and the match started as a Handicap match until B.J. Whitmer evened the odds..
The Briscoe Brothers attacked Homicide to cause the DQ and squashed Homicide's arm in a folding chair..
MATCH: KENTA defeated Davey Richards in a Match of the Year Contender..
ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: American Dragon vs Samoa Joe ended in a 60 Minute time limit draw (Dragon retains)..
Samoa Joe had American Dragon locked in a choke submission just as time ran out - ending in a draw..
Samoa Joe asked for five more minutes but American Dragon refused..
KENTA came out and stared down American Dragon, until The Briscoe Brothers attacked KENTA!
Homicide ran down to go after the Briscoes, and they set up Joe/Homicide vs Briscoes for 9/16 in NYC..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Unified
August 12, 2006 - Liverpool, England
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Matt Sydal defeated Colt Cabana and Jonny Storm and Spud..
IN THE RING: Chris Hero + Colt Cabana..
CZW Champion Chris Hero jumped the rail and into the ring and cut a promo about the Kings of Wrestling..
Colt Cabana ran back and chased Chris Hero around the ring and eventually out the side door exit.......
MATCH: Davey Richards defeated "The Crown Jewel" Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana..
MATCH: B.J. Whitmer defeated Claudio Castagnoli..
Chris Hero (Castagnoli's partner) snuck back into the building and attacked B.J. Whitmer after the match..
Colt Cabana ran back to the ring to save B.J. Whitmer and challenged Chris Hero to a match on the spot!
ROH VS CZW MATCH: "Classic" Colt Cabana defeated Chris Hero..
TAG MATCH: Team UK (Doug Williams & Jody Fleisch) defeated Team NOAH (SUWA & Go Shiozaki)..
SUWA turned on Go Shiozaki, and then Doug Williams drilled Shiozaki with the Chaos Theory to win..
FWA TITLE MATCH: Robbie Brookside defeated Chad Collyer to retain the FWA Heavyweight title..
ROH TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated The Briscoe Brothers to retain..
Austin Aries suffered two broken ribs during the match....
TITLE UNIFICATION MATCH: American Dragon (ROH World Champion) defeated Nigel McGuinness (Pure Champion)..
American Dragon defeated a bloody Nigel McGuinness by knockout to retain the ROH World and ROH Pure titles..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Anarchy in the UK
August 13, 2006 - Broxbourne, England
IN THE RING: Austin Aries (w/Roderick Strong) + American Dragon..
Austin Aries announced that he broke two ribs the night before in Liverpool and would not be wrestling tonight..
American Dragon came out and questioned if the injury was legit and set up an title match between Dragon & Strong..
As American Dragon was exiting, he was attacked with a kendo stick by Pro-Wrestling Superstar -- SUWA!
MATCH: Go Shiozaki defeated B.J. Whitmer..
TRIPLE THREAT MATCH: Jonny Storm defeated Jody Fleisch and Spud..
After the match, CZW's Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli & Chad Collyer attacked all three of the British wrestlers..
Nigel McGuinness & Robbie Brookside hit the ring to make the save and the crowd went crazy for Robbie Brookside..
Colt Cabana came out next and they arranged a huge impromptu Trios Tag Team match..
6-MAN TAG: Colt Cabana & Nigel McGuiness & Robbie Brookside beat Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli & Chad Collyer..
CHALLENGE MATCH: American Dragon defeated SUWA..
American Dragon came to the ring and called out SUWA to confront him about what happened earlier..
American Dragon challenged SUWA to a match and eventually scored the pinfall via a small package..
MATCH: "The Anarchist" Doug Williams defeated "The Crown Jewel" Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana with the Chaos Theory..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay Briscoe) defeated Matt Sydal & Davey Richards..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Roderick Strong by Submission to retain the ROH World title!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Epic Encounter II
August 25, 2006 - St. Paul, Minnesota - St. Paul Armory
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay) defeated Irish Airborne (David & Jake Crist)..
MATCH: Homicide defeated Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey with the Lariat...
After the match: The Briscoe Brothers attacked Homicide and gave him a vicious Spike Jay-driller..
MATCH: Christopher Daniels (without Allison Danger) defeated Claudio Castagnoli...
TAG MATCH: Colt Cabana & Davey Richards beat Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro (without Prince Nana & Daizee Haze)..
After the match: The Briscoe Brothers came out and had a brawl with Davey Richards all through the crowd..
MATCH: Matt Sydal defeated Delirious...
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Samoa Joe & BJ Whitmer to retain..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon vs Nigel McGuinness ended in a 60-Minute time limit draw..
FIRST FALL: American Dragon pinned Nigel McGuinness with a small package;
SECOND FALL: Nigel McGuinness submitted American Dragon with a Keylock submission..
Time ran out on the third fall thus ending the match in a 60-Minute time limit draw!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Gut Check
August 26, 2006 - Chicago Ridge, Illinois
DARK MATCH: CJ Otis defeated Mitch Franklin..
DARK MATCH: Trik Davis defeated Rhett Titus..
DARK MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Pelle Primeau to retain the Top of the Class Trophy..
DARK MATCH: Davey Richards defeated Alex "Sugar Foot" Payne..
SIX MAN TAG: Nigel McGuinness & Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro defeated Delirious & Irish Airborne..
MATCH: Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey defeated B.J. Whitmer..
Jimmy Jacobs put B.J. Whitmer through a table at ringside and the match was temporarily stopped due to injury..
B.J. Whitmer managed to continue the match, but Jimmy Jacobs eventually finished him off with a quick roll-up..
After the match: Jimmy Jacobs (commanded by Lacey) took a chair repeatedly to B.J. Whitmer, "breaking" his ankle..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette + The Briscoe Brothers..
Jim Cornette came out to try to sweet-talk the Ring of Honor fans into being sympathetic to his cause.
Jim Cornette gave a lengthy speech, painting Homicide as the "bad guy," and vowed to end Homicide's career..
Jim Cornette gave The Briscoe Brothers full authority to injure and destroy Homicide in their tag team match..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers defeated Davey Richards & Homicide..
MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated Claudio Castagnoli with the Muscle Buster..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal to retain..
ROH TITLE 2/3 FALLS MATCH: American Dragon vs Colt Cabana ended in a draw after splitting 2 falls..
Colt Cabana scored the first fall after only five minutes with Colt 45 finisher..
American Dragon scored the second fall at 59:32 with a low blow and a small package..
28 seconds later the time ran out and the match was ruled a draw - Dragon retains!...
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Glory By Honor V | Night 1
September 15, 2006 - East Windsor, Connecticut
DARK MATCH: Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne defeated Bobby Dempsey..
DARK MATCH: Derrick Dempsey defeated Mitch Franklin by Submission..
TAG MATCH: The Ring Crew Express (Dunn & Marcos) defeated Rhett Titus & Pelle Primeau..
After the match, The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli) challenged Dunn & Marcos to a match..
TAG MATCH: The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli) defeated The Ring Crew Express (Dunn & Marcos)..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Jack Evans defeated Colt Cabana and Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey and Ricky Reyes..
MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Christopher Daniels..
MATCH: Austin Aries defeated Davey Richards..
MATCH: Delirious defeated Shane Hagadorn by Submission..
MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated Roderick Strong...
TAG MATCH: KENTA & Naomichi Marufuji defeated The Briscoe Brothers..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Glory By Honor 5 | Night 2
September 16, 2006 - New York City, New York
OPENING MATCH: Davey Richards defeated Jack Evans by Submission..
IN THE RING: The legendary Bruno Sammartino..
With members of the Ring of Honor roster surrounded the ring, the legendary Bruno Sammartino was introduced..
Bruno Sammartino cut a brief promo about not being happy with the wrestling business since his retirement..
Bruno Sammartino added that he was very impressed with Ring of Honor and praised fans who support ROH..
Bruno Sammartino said that Ring of Honor was all about "wrestling" as opposed to sports entertainment..
Bruno went backstage and Samoa Joe & Takeshi Morishima started a huge brawl and had to be separated..
MATCH: Adam Pearce defeated Delirious with help from his new assistant Shane Hagadorn..
TRIPLE THREAT MATCH: Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey defeated Christopher Daniels and Colt Cabana..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette & The Briscoe Brothers..
Jim Cornette praised Ring of Honor fans and said his real problem was with Homicide..
Jim Cornette then began insulting New York City and its fans, causing the cheers to turn to boos..
Jim Cornette said he only supported wrestlers from the South (Briscoes where confederate flags on their gear)..
Jim Cornette that Homicide would get an ROH title shot in December if he won tonight against The Briscoes......
TAG MATCH: Samoa Joe & Homicide defeated The Briscoe Brothers..
With the victory, Homicide earns a shot at the ROH World title when ROH comes back to NYC for Final Battle 2006..
Jim Cornette promised to make Homicide's life a living hell between now and December 23 at Final Battle 2006
WORLD TAG TITLE MATCH: The King's of Wrestling defeated Austin Aries & Roderick Strong to win the titles!
GHC WORLD TITLE MATCH: Naomichi Marufuji defeated Nigel McGuinness to retain the GHC World title!
ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated KENTA in 40 minutes to retain the ROH World title!
KENTA worked over Dragon's injured shoulder with a an Ace-crusher, a pair of brutal Go 2 Sleep's, and Arm-bars...
KENTA escaped the Cattle Mutilation twice in a row before submitting to a third attempt at the same move..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Survival of the Fittest
October 6, 2006 - Cleveland, Ohio
DARK MATCH: Bobby Dempsey defeated Mitch Franklin and Ernie Osiris in a Triple Threat match..
DARK MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Pelle Primeau to retain the Top of Class Trophy..
SOTF QUALIFIER: Matt Sydal defeated Davey Richards after an Implant Driver..
SOTF QUALIFIER: Delirious defeated Jimmy Rave w/Daizee Haze by Submission with the Cobra Clutch..
After the match, Jimmy Rave and Daizee Haze did not look pleased with each other and Rave walked out alone..
SOTF QUALIFIER: Austin Aries defeated Christopher Daniels after a 450 Splash..
Austin Aries said his luggage was lost by the airlines so a couple of the ROH students lent him their gear..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette & The Briscoe Brothers..
Jim Cornette ordered the Briscoe Brothers to hurt Homicide tonight in their upcoming tag team match..
SOTF QUALIFIER: The Briscoe Brothers defeated Roderick Strong & Homicide...
Jim Cornette brought down the tennis racket and the Briscoe Brothers used it on Homicide..
The Briscoes capitalized and and scored the pinfall over Homicide with 12 seconds left!
SOTF QUALIFIER: American Dragon vs. Samoa Joe ended in a 20 minute time limit draw..
After the match, the fans wanted "5 more minutes" but instead Dragon knocked Joe out with the ROH title belt!
(DARK) TAG MATCH: Irish Airborn (David & Jake Crist) defeated Rhett Titus & Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli) defeated Colt Cabana & Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey..
The jealous Jimmy Jacobs accidentally speared Colt Cabana, resulting in Cabana getting pinned to lose the match..
After the match, BJ Whitmer brawled with Jimmy Jacobs - Jacobs kicked Whitmer in the injured ankle and left..
SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST FINALS: Delirious defeated Austin Aries and Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe and Matt Sydal..
Jay Briscoe eliminated Austin Aries. Matt Sydal eliminated Jay Briscoe. Matt Sydal eliminated Mark Briscoe.
Delirious made Matt Sydal tap out to the Cobra Stretch to win the prestigeous Survival of the Fittest '06!!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Motor City Madness
October 7, 2006 - Detroit, Michigan
MATCH: Delirious defeated Zach Gowen (booed heavily) by Submission with the Cobra Clutch..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette + Roderick Strong + Homicide..
Jim Cornette came out and praised Detroit and announced that Ring of Honor was coming back for WrestleMania weekend..
Jim Cornette said Roderick Strong injured his back and Strong came out and said that he came to Detroit to wrestle..
Jim Cornette refused to allow it so Roderick Strong got aggressive with Cornette which brought Homicide to the ring..
Jim Cornette bailed out and circled the ring and ran backstage in slow-motion as Homicide grabbed the microphone..
Homicide said he is having a bad day because the Detroit Tiger beat the New York Yankees and said "F*ck Cornette"..
SHIMMER TAG MATCH: Daizee Haze & MsChif defeated Allison Danger & Lovely Lacey..
MATCH: Claudio Castagnoli defeated Davey Richards after interference from Chris Hero..
TAG MATCH: Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal defeated Colt Cabana & Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey..
After the match: B.J. Whitmer ran down and attacked Jimmy Jacobs and they had to be physically separated..
Order was restored and Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal challenged the Kings to an ROH Tag Team title match..
Chris Hero refused to put the ROH Tag Team championship up but accepted a singles match with Matt Sydal instead..
MATCH: Matt Sydal w/Christopher Daniels defeated Chris Hero w/Claudio Castagnoli..
SIX MAN MAYHEM: Pelle Primeau beat Matt Cross and Jimmy Rave and Jake Crist and Dave Crist and Shane Hagadorn..
ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Austin Aries with a small package to retain the ROH World Title!
ANYTHING GOES/FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers defeated Homicide & Samoa Joe...
One of the Briscoe Brothers did an insane Shooting Star Press off the top of the Ryder truck down to the concrete..
The Briscoe Brothers destroyed Homicide with a dangerous Spike-Jay-Driller and pinned him 1-2-3 to win the match...
The Briscoes: "F#&% Samoa Joe! F#&% Homicide! F#&% Detroit! The Briscoes are the GREATEST Tag Team in the World!"
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Suffocation
October 27, 2006 - Dayton, Ohio
NON (ROH WORLD) TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Salvatore Rinuaro..
MATCH: Shingo Takagi (Dragon Gate) defeated Jimmy Rave..
TAG MATCH: Irish Airborne (David & Jake Crist) defeated Jimmy Jacobs & Colt Cabana w/Lacey..
MATCH: "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels defeated "The Shooter" Brent Albright (debut)..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Roderick Strong defeated Chris Hero and Mark Briscoe and Tank Toland (debut)..
MATCH: Austin Aries defeated Claudio Castagnoli..
After the match: The Kings of Wrestling double-teamed Austin Aries until Roderick Strong made the save..
MATCH: Davey Richards defeated Jay Briscoe..
MATCH: Delirious defeated Matt Sydal..
MAIN EVENT: Homicide & Samoa Joe defeated Steve Corino & Adam Pearce (w/Jim Cornette & Shane Hagadorn)..
After the match: Jim Cornette, Adam Pearce and the Briscoes guarded the ring as Steve Corino suffocated Homicide!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Irresistible Forces
October 28, 2006 - Chicago Ridge, Illinois
TAG MATCH: Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn defeated Irish Airborn (David & Jake Crist)..
Shane Hagadorn knocked out one of the Crists with a foreign object and Adam Pearce nailed a pile-driver to win!
After the match: Jim Cornette appeared and cut a heel promo showing his support for Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn..
MATCH: Shingo (Takagi) defeated Roderick Strong after putting Strong face-first through a table at ringside..
TAG MATCH: Colt Cabana & Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey defeated Jimmy Rave & Salvatore Rinauro...
Jimmy Jacobs told Lacey they they finally won a match and expected that it would further his relationship with her..
Lacey pointed out that Colt Cabana scored the pin so she offered Cabana a contract to officially join Lacey's Angels..
Colt Cabana declined and said Lacey has to learn the difference between personal and business relationships..
Colt Cabana said he was having sex with Lacey and it was all personal and had no business interest with her..
Lacey ordered Jimmy Jacobs to attack Colt Cabana, but Jacobs asked for a hug first, and Lacey was disgusted...
Jimmy Jacobs thought about it and then attacked Colt Cabana gouging his eyes with Lacey's high heel shoe..
B.J. Whitmer ran out to make the save and Jimmy Jacobs quickly retreated backstage with Lacey..
MATCH: Steve Corino defeated Delirious after interference from Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn..
Jim Cornette threatened to fire Todd Sinclair when Sinclair wanted to reverse the decision..
MATCH: "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels defeated Austin Aries..
MATCH: Brent Albright (Formerly Gunner Scott in WWE) defeated Trik Davis..
MATCH: Matt Sydal defeated Jay Briscoe..
MATCH: Davey Richards defeated Mark Briscoe by Submission..
NO-DQ NO-TIME-LIMIT MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated American Dragon by Chokeout submission..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Honor Reclaims Boston
November 3, 2006 - Braintree, Massachusetts
DARK MATCH: Rhett Titus & Bobby Dempsey & Mitch Franklin defeated Alex Payne & Ernie Osirus & Thomas Penmanship..
DARK MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Pelle Primeau to retain the Top of the Class Trophy....
MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated "Hurricane" John Walters..
SHIMMER SHOWCASE: Mercedes Martinez defeated Daizee Haze (Lacey slapped Daizee Haze after the match)..
MATCH: Christopher Daniels (w/Allison Danger & Matt Sydal) defeated Chris Hero w/Claudio Castagnoli..
MATCH: Matt Sydal w/Allison Danger defeated Claudio Castagnoli..
SIX MAN TAG: Steve Corino & The Briscoes w/Shane Hagadorn beat Homicide & Samoa Joe & BJ Whitmer w/Julius Smokes..
MATCH: "Classic" Colt Cabana defeated Jimmy Rave..
ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Delirious to retain the ROH World title!
MAIN EVENT: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated KENTA & Davey Richards..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - The Bitter End
November 4, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
MATCH: Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger defeated "Iron" Matt Cross (aka M-Dogg20)..
Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli attacked both men after the match until Austin Aries & Roderick Strong made the save!
Matt Sydal came out as well and he and Chris Daniels challenged the "Kings" to an ROH Tag title match in the future..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette & Shane Hagadorn + Konnan & Homicide & Ricky Reyes & Julius Smokes..
Jim Cornette stacked the deck against Homicide in favour of Steve Corino in the main event "Fight without Honor"..
The Rottweilers came out with Konnan, who asked Jim Cornette why Ricky Reyes doesn't get more matches in ROH..
Konnan suggested that Jim Cornette book his boy Shane Hagadorn against Ricky Reyes right there on the spot!
MATCH: Ricky Reyes defeated Shane Hagadorn w/Julius Smokes by Submission..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Pelle Primeau defeated Colt Cabana and B.J. Whitmer and Tank Toland...
DREAM PARTNERS MATCH: Samoa Joe & Nigel McGuinness defeated American Dragon & Jimmy Rave..
After the match: Jimmy Rave went crazy trying to get at a fan who threw a roll of toilet paper at him..
Nigel McGuiness got on the microphone and told Jimmy Rave to relax and be a professional for a change..
IN THE RING: Jim Cornette + Konnan & Homicide & Ricky Reyes & Julius Smokes..
Jim Cornette came out once more and he was mad as hell so he publically fired Homicide from Ring of Honor..
The Rottweilers returned and said the promoters ruled that the fans could chose who gets fired, Homicide or Cornette..
The fans unanimously picked Jim Cornette and he was dragged out of the building by official Ring of Honor security..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers defeated Delirious & Davey Richards..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli defeated Austin Aries & Roderick Strong by DQ to retain!
The referee to knocked down and The Kings tried to use their briefcase but Austin Aries got his hands on it first..
Austin Aries started smashing bother Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli with the briefcase but got caught and DQ'd..
MATCH: KENTA defeated Matt Sydal w/Christopher Daniels with the Go-To-Sleep..
After the match, Samoa Joe slapped KENTA and told him to take that message back to Kenta Kobashi in Japan..
FIGHT WITHOUT HONOR: Homicide defeated Steve Corino in a violent bloody match..
This was a violent match that involved forks, a barbed wire bat, tables, rubbing alcohol in wounds and more..
After the match, Homicide and the Rottweilers wanted to shave Steve Corino bald or else they would kill him..
Steve Corino grabbed the mic and praised Homicide and said he would be a man and allowed his head to be shaved!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Black Friday Fallout
November 24, 2006 - Long Island, New York
DARK MATCH: Mitch Franklin defeated Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne.
DARK MATCH: Bobby Dempsey defeated Ernie Osiris
DARK MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Rhett Titus to retain the ROH Top of Class Trophy..
SHIMMER 4-WAY: Lacey defeated Daizee Haze and Allison Danger and Nikki Roxx (debut)..
GAUNTLET SERIES: Nigel McGuinness win!
Brent Albright defeated Pelle Primeau in a squash match..
Brent Albright defeated Jason Blade in a longer squash match..
B.J Whitmer defeated Brent Albright in a hard fought match..
Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey defeated B.J. Whitmer in five seconds..
Nigel McGuinness defeated Jimmy Jacobs to win the Gauntlet Series!
NO DQ TAG TITLE MATCH: Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli defeated Roderick Strong & Austin Aries to retain!
Japanese wrestler Shingo interfered and helped the King of Wrestling retain their ROH Tag Team titles..
MATCH: Shingo defeated Mark Briscoe (After the match: Roderick Strong attacked Shingo and they had a brawl)..
MATCH: Jimmy Rave defeated Homicide (After the match: The Briscoes attacked Homicide & Julius Smokes)..
MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated Jay Briscoe with a Muscle-buster..
#1 CONTENDERS TAG MATCH: Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal w/Allison Danger defeated Davey Richards & Delirious....
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Dethroned
November 25, 2006 - Edison, New Jersey
MATCH: Brent Albright defeated El Generico by Submission..
TOP OF CLASS TROPHY MATCH: Shane Hagadorn defeated Bobby Dempsey to retain the Top of Class Trophy!
Shane Hagadorn has his brass knucks taken away from him but used a second set of brass knucks to knock Dempsey out..
MATCH: Delirious defeated Jason Blade by Submission...
GRUDGE MATCH: B.J. Whitmer vs. Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey ended in a No Contest (bloody match)..
It was a vicious grudge match which saw both men carved each others heads with a sharpened railroad spike..
Daizee Haze came out to stop Lacey from interfering and this eventually led to the match being thrown out..
Technically it wasn't even an official match, because the bell never rang and they took out the referee..
FIP TITLE MATCH: Roderick Strong defeated Shingo in a "Tables & Chairs are Legal" match to retain the FIP Heavyweight title..
TAG TITLE MATCH: Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal defeated Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli to win the titles!
After the match, Christopher Daniels issued an open challenge to anyone... anytime... anywhere!
MATCH: Nigel McGuinness defeated Jimmy Rave (who is no longer part of The Embassy)..
They shook hands after the match and Jimmy Rave politely waved to the crowd in an honest attempt to get respect..
There was a confrontation with Jimmy Rave taking a fit because McGuiness threw a roll of toilet paper at him!
Christopher Daniels came out to try to calm things down, which led to Jimmy Rave "walking out" of Ring of Honor..
SPECIAL CHALLENGE MATCH: Davey Richards defeated Austin Aries by Submission..
Samoa Joe hit the Muscle-Buster, and Homicide hit the Cop-Killa simoltaneously and got the double pin..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - The Chicago Spectacular: Night 1
December 8, 2006 - Chicago Ridge, Illinois (Frontier Park Field House)
DARK MATCH: C.J. Otis & Bobby Dempsey defeated Ernie Osiris & Mitch Franklin..
DARK MATCH: Team Underground (Chandler McClure & Eric Priest) defeated Rhett Titus & Alex Payne..
DARK MATCH: Pelle Primeau defeated Angel Armoni (from FIP)..
MATCH: Tank Toland defeated Kikutaro..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay Briscoe) defeated Irish Airborne (Jake & Dave Crist)..
MATCH: Homicide defeated "The Shooter" Brent Albright by Disqualification..
Brent Albright had the Fujiware Armbar locked in and Homicide grabbed the ropes but Albright refused to release..
Samoa Joe made the save. Brent Albright retreated and was given a wad of cash by ROH Champion American Dragon!
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: B.J. Whitmer defeated Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger and Davey Richards and Matt Cross..
GRUDGE MATCH: Jimmy Rave defeated Nigel McGuinness by Submission..
TAG MATCH: Delirious & "Crazy" Ace Steel defeated Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn..
GRUDGE MATCH: "Classic" Colt Cabana defeated Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey by Disqualification..
Lacey threw a handful of powder in Colt Cabana's face when he had Jimmy Jacobs in a Submission causing the DQ..
Daizee Haze hit the ring and fought with Lacey until Jimmy Jacobs literally speared Daizee Haze out of her shoes!
Brent Albright ran down to the ring and T-bone Suplexed Colt Cabana and has apparently joined Lacey's Angels..
Brent Albright & Jimmy Jacobs held Colt Cabana down while Lacey stomped Cabana's crotch with her high heel shoe..
B.J. Whitmer ran down to make the save, thus setting up a potential Jacobs & Albright vs Cabana & Whitmer match..
Delirious asked B.J. Whitmer to be on his team tomorrow, and Nigel McGuinnes came down and asked to be on the team..
TAG MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Matt Sydal (1/2 ROH Tag Team Champion) & SHINGO...
STEEL CAGE MATCH FOR THE ROH WORLD TITLE: American Dragon defeated Samoa Joe by escaping the Cage to retain!
The stipulation was you could win by pinfall, submission or the traditional way of escaping the steel cage..
Homicide came down and tossed a ghetto fork into the cage so Joe could cut Dragon's forehead and stab his ass!
Samoa Joe had American Dragon in the sleeper as they were hanging over the cage wall and Dragon fell down to win!
Editor's Note: Tremendously creative finish if I do say so myself..
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - The Chicago Spectacular: Night 2
December 9, 2006 - Chicago Ridge, Illinois (Frontier Park Field House)
DARK MATCH: Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne & Bobby Dempsey defeated Johnny Dynamo & Rhett Titus..
DARK MATCH: Team Underground (Chandler McClure & Eric Priest) defeated Ernie Osiris & Mitch Franklin..
IN THE RING: Colt Cabana + Jimmy Jacobs + Lacey + Daizee Haze + B.J. Whitmer + more people..
Colt Cabana came out and gave an update on his testicle injury and then called out Jimmy Jacobs for a fight!
Lacey came out and applied the testicular claw on Colt Cabana until Daizee Haze ran down to beat up on Lacey..
Jimmy Jacobs went after Daizee Haze but B.J. Whitmer showed up to stop Jacobs from doing damage to Daizee Haze..
American Dragon, Jimmy Rave & Shingo ran in, followed by Delirious & Nigel McGuinness to set up the main event!
MATCH: "Crazy" Ace Steel defeated Tank Toland (Tank Toland got a "Don't Come Back!" chant from the fans)..
6-MAN MAYHEM: Jake Crist defeated Dave Crist and Kikutaro and Pelle Primeau and Trik Davis and C.J. Otis..
MATCH: "The Notorious 187" Homicide defeated Top of Class champion Shane Hagadorn w/Adam Pearce..
After the match: Adam Pearce attacked Homicide with a Leather Strap and then retreated carrying Shane Hagadorn..
Homicide said he didn't want a Strap match with Adam Pearce because he just saw a steel cage out in the truck..
MATCH: Samoa Joe defeated Mark Briscoe..
After the match: Samoa Joe once again called out Pro Wrestling NOAH and was confonted by NOAH star Nigel McGuinness..
TAG MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Christopher Daniels & Matt Cross (w/Allison Danger & Matt Sydal)..
STEEL CAGE GRUDGE MATCH: Homicide defeated "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce w/Shane Hagadorn..
MATCH: Jay Briscoe w/Mark Briscoe defeated Davey Richards..
ELIMINATION MATCH: Team Delirious defeated Team Danielson..
TEAM DELIRIOUS = Delirious & B.J. Whitmer & Colt Cabana & Nigel McGuinness w/Daizee Haze..
TEAM DANIELSON = Bryan Danielson & Jimmy Rave & SHINGO & Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey..
Jimmy Jacobs pulled out the railroad spike to use it on B.J. Whitmer but Colt Cabana caused Jacobs to drop the spike..
B.J. Whitmer picked up the spike and went after Jimmy Jacobs, who dodged, and then Whitmer accidentally spiked Lacey!
Jimmy Jacobs quickly paniced and carried Lacey backstage (reminisent of The MegaPowers/Elizabeth storyline in 1989)..
Jimmy Jacobs returned to the ring where he was disqualified for smashing B.J. Whitmer's ankle with a steel chair..
B.J. Whitmer was eliminated when he tapped out by Jimmy Rave from an Ankle-lock on Whitmer's already injured ankle..
Nigel McGuinness (who also had a previously ankle injury) was eliminated when he tapped out to Jimmy Rave's Anklelock..
Shingo (who was hired by Lacey to take out Colt Cabana) was eliminated by "Classic" Colt Cabana after a sunset flip..
Colt Cabana was eliminated by Jimmy Rave after Bryan Danielson kicked him in the previously injured testicles!
Jimmy Rave was eliminated by Delirious. Bryan Danielson was eliminated by Delirious with the Cobra Stretch!!
The sole survivor of the match...... Deeelllllllirriiooouussss!!!!!!!!!!
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - International Challenge
December 22, 2006 - East Windsor, Connecticut
MATCH: Jason Blade deeated Pelle Primeau..
MATCH: Austin Aries defeated "Die Hard" Eddie Edwards (debut)..
MATCH: "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce w/Shane Hagadorn defeated Delirious..
MIXED TAG MATCH: B.J. Whitmer & Daizee Haze defeated Jimmy Jacobs & Mercedes Martinez..
Mercedes Mercedes was severly injured by B.J. Whitmer's Exploder and immediately rushed to hospital..
After the match: Jimmy Jacobs & Brent Albright tried to spike Daizee Haze but B.J. Whitmer made the save..
Jimmy Jacobs & Brent Albright double-teamed B.J. Whitmer and Jacobs repeatedly spiked Whitmer on the head!
Colt Cabana ran out to save B.J. Whitmer and challenged Brent Albright to a match right then and there..
GRUDGE MATCH: "Classic" Colt Cabana defeated "The Shooter" Brent Albright..
TAG MATCH: The Kings of Wrestling (Claudio Castagnoli & Chris Hero) defeated The Briscoe Brothers..
"Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney made his debut in Ring of Honor to help The Kings of Wrestling win the match!
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: American Dragon defeated Homicide and Nigel McGuinness (pinned by small package) and Jimmy Rave..
FIP TITLE MATCH: Roderick Strong defeated Davey Richards to retain the FIP Heavyweight title!
TAG TITLE MATCH: Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal w/Allison Danger defeated CIMA & SHINGO.
And that's a wrap..
Ring of Honor - Final Battle '06
December 23, 2006 - New York City, New York
IN THE RING: Santa Clause + The Briscoe Brothers..
Santa Clause (Bobby Dempsey) and two elves (Mitch Franklin & Pelle Primeau) were attacked by the Briscoes..
The Briscoe Brothers said the previous night in Connecticut was Bullsh*t challenged the Kings of Wrestling..
4-CORNER SURVIVAL: Jimmy Rave defeated Christopher Daniels and Davey Richards and El Generico..
Nigel McGuinness showed up after the match and slapped the loud-mouthed Jimmy Rave accross the face..
MATCH: "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce w/Shane Hagadorn defeated Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes..
Adam Peace & Shane Hagadorn are vowing to prevent Homicide from winning the ROH World title later tonight..
TAG MATCH: Brent Albright & Jimmy Jacobs defeated B.J. Whitmer & Colt Cabana w/Dazee Haze..
Brent Albright power-bombed B.J. Whitmer over the top rope through a table set up at ringside (crazy)..
TAG MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers defeated The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli)..
Claudio Castagnoli said he was probably going to stick around Ring of Honor for a little while longer..
Larry Sweeney said he and Chris Hero have already made plans those plans don't involve Claudio Castagnoli..
Claudio Castagnoli said Chris Hero would never choose Larry Sweeney over him and asked Hero to pick sides..
Chris Hero shook hands with Claudio Castagnoli but turned and left the ring with "Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney..
IN THE RING: Samoa Joe (injured and not wrestling on the show) + Nigel McGuinness..
Samoa Joe challenged anyone from Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan to face him at the February 16 Ring of Honor show..
Samoa Joe threw out a few names, such as Takeshi Morishima, Naomichi Marufuji, even the legendary Mitsuharu Misawa..
Nigel McGuinness appeared and said that if nobody from NOAH accepted the challenge then he would do it himself..
Jimmy Rave attacked Nigel McGuinness from behind as Samoa Joe watched for a few seconds and them slapped Rave!
GRUDGE MATCH: Jimmy Rave defeated Nigel McGuinness by Submission..
SIX-MAN TAG: Shingo Takagi & CIMA & Matt Sydal defeated Austin Aries & Roderick Strong & Delirious..
ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: Homicide defeated American Dragon in 29:12 to win the ROH World title!!!!!!
Six months ago, Homicide said if he didn't win an title in ROH before the end of the year he would QUIT Ring of Honor..
Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn attacked Homicide to stop the match -- but the referee wisely refused to call a DQ..
American Dragon had a submission on Homicide, who reached the ropes, but Dragon wouldn't release -- again no DQ..
Homicide nailed American Dragon with a Cop-killa, but Dragon got his foot on the rope to break the pinfall attempt..
The roof blew off the place when Homicide finally won with an huge Lariat to FINALLY win the ROH World title!!!!
And that's a wrap..