Hometown Born in Macon, Georgia Moved to Sacramento, California
Height 6'1"
Weight 235 lbs
Marital Status 3 Sons (Ryan, Conner & Shawn) 1 Daugther Once Dated Alicia Webb
Trained by Buzz Sawyer Nelson Royal
Debut 1990
Previous Names Wayne Shamrock (SAPW) "Mr. Wrestling" Vince Torelli Worlds Most Dangerous Man
Finishing Move(s) Ankle Lock Submission
Favorite Move(s) Belly-To-Belly Suplex
Notable Feuds Chris Chavis Steve Austin British Bulldog Shawn Michaels Hunter Hearst Helmsley Big Bossman Steve Blackman Jeff Jarrett
Title History SAPW (South Atlantic Pro Wrestling) Heavyweight title defeating Chris Chavis [Tournament] (February ??, 1991); WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight title defeating X-Pac [Tournament Final] (October 12, 1998); WWF World Tag Team titles w/Big Bossman defeating New Age Outlaws (December 14, 1998); NWA World Heavyweight title by winning a “Gauntlet for the Gold” match [pinning Malice] (June 19, 2002)