Real Name:
Glenn Thomas Jacobs
April 26,1968
Born in Madrid, Spain
Resides in Knoxville, Tenessee
Marital Status:
Married to Tia Jacobs
Height and Weight
: 7' - 326 lbs
Trained by: Ray Candy
Dean Malenko
Jeff Bradley
1993 (USWA)
Previous Names:
Angus King
Bruiser Mastino (WCW)
Unibomb (SMW)
Mike Unabomb (WWF-02/20/95)
Doomsday (USWA)
Christmas Creature
Fake Diesil (WWF)
Isaac Yankem DDS (WWF)
The Big Red Machine
Finishing Move:
Tombstone Piledriver
Chokeslam from Hell
Favorite Moves:
Thrust Uppercut to Throat
Tilt a Whirl Slam
The Chokeslam
The Big Boot
Falling Powerbomb
Top Rope Clothesline
Notable Feuds & Angles That Kane Has Been In
RockNRoll Express
Ricky Morton
Robert Gibson
As Isaac Yankem:
Bret "Hitman" Hart
As Kane:
The Undertaker
Steve Austin
The Corporation
Triple H & Chyna
The Big Show
Farooq & Bradshaw
X-Pac & Tori
Shane McMahon
Vince McMahon
Kurt Angle
The Rock
Chris Jericho
Edge & Christian
The Power Trip
The Dudley Boyz
DDP & Kanyon
T & T
The UnAmericans
Jericho & Christian
Triple H (Katie Vick)
Ric Flair
3-Minute Warning
Storm & Regal
Storm & Morley
La Resistance
Jim Ross (Set on Fire)
Rob Van Dam
Shane McMahon
Bill Goldberg
The Undertaker (2004)
Matt Hardy & Lita
Gene Snitsky
Viscera & Trish
Edge & Lita
Shawn Michaels
Carlito Cool
Chris Masters
The Big Show
The Fake Kane
Mr. Ken Kennedy
Montel Vontavious Porter
The Great Khali
William Regal
Dave Taylor
Fit Finlay.
Big Daddy V.
Chavo Guerrero
Bam Neely
Rey Mysterio
C.M. Punk
Drew McIntyre
The Undertaker (2010)
The Corre
John Cena
Randy Orton
Title History
Smoky Mountain Wrestling Tag Team titles w/Al Snow defeating The RockNRoll xpress (April 7, 1995);
United States Wrestling Association Southern title efeating Spellbinder (July 13, 1997);
WWF Heavyweight title defeating Steve ustin (King of the Ring 1998);
WWF Tag Team titles w/Mankind defeating The ew Age Outlaws (July 13, 1998);
WWF Tag Team titles w/Mankind defeating SCSA/Taker and NAO and Rock/Owen in a 4-WAY (August 10, 1998);
WWF Tag Team titles w/XPac defeating Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart (April 5, 1999 - RAW);
WWF Hardcore title defeating The Big Show & Raven (Wrestlemania X7);
WWF Tag Team titles w/Undertaker defeating Edge & Christian (April 17, 2001 - Smackdown!);
WWF Intercontinental title defeating Triple H in a Chain match (Judgement Day 2001);
WCW Tag Team titles w/Undertaker defeating Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo (August 9, 2001 - Smackdown!);
WWF Tag Team titles w/Undertaker defeating DDP & Kanyon (Summerslam 2001);
WWE Tag Team titles w/Hurricane defeating Lance Storm & Christian (September 23, 2002 - RAW);
WWF Intercontinental title defeating Chris Jericho (September 30, 2002 - RAW);
(WWE) World Tag Team titles w/Rob Van Dam defeating Storm & Morley & Dudleyz in a 3-WAY (March 31, 2003 - RAW);
(WWE) World Tag Team titles w/The Big Show defeating Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch (November 1, 2005);
ECW (Extreme Championship Wrestling) World title defeating Chavo Guerrero (March 30, 2008);
(WWE) World Heavyweight title defeating Rey Mysterio [cashing in Money in the Bank] (July 18, 2010);
WWE Tag Team titles w/The Big Show defeating Heath Slater & Justin Gabrie (April 22, 2011);
Lawler interfers..
September 11, 1995 - RAW: Isaac Yankem DDS defeated
Scott Taylor (aka Scotty Too Hotty)..
October 16, 1995 - RAW: Bret Hart
defeated Isaac Yankem in a Cage Match! (Lawler was suspended in a Cage above the
October 23, 1995 - RAW: Isaac Yankem participated in a Battle Royal
which was won by Owen Hart..
November 6, 1995 - RAW: Bret Hart & Hakushi
defeated Jerry Lawler & Isaac Yankem DDS by DQ..
November 19, 1995 -
Survivor Series: Undertaker/Godwinn/Vega/Fatu defeated Mabel/HHH/Lawler/Yankem
in a Survivor match!
January 15, 1996 - RAW: The Undertaker defeated Isaac
Yankem DDS..
January 21, 1996 - Royal Rumble: Isaac Yankem DDS entered at
#27 but was eliminated by Shawn Michaels..
February 18, 1996 - In Your House
6: Ahmed Johnson defeated Isaac Yankem DDS..
February 26, 1996 - RAW: Jake
"The Snake" Roberts defeated Isaac Yankem DDS..
April 1, 1996 - RAW:
"Wildman" Marc Mero defeated Isaac Yankem DDS..
April 29, 1996 - RAW: The
Ultimate Warrior defeated Isaac Yankem DDS..
May 26, 1996 - In Your House 8:
Bob Holly defeated Isaac Yankem DDS..
World Wrestling Federation - Fake Diesel:
September 23, 1996 - RAW: Jim Ross introduced a Fake Diesel (played by
Jacobs) and a Fake Razor Ramon (played by Rick Bogner)..
October 7, 1996 -
RAW: "Wildman" Marc Mero defeated The Fake Diesel by Disqualification..
November 16, 1996 - Survivor Series: Yokozuna/FlashFunk/Vega/Snuka vs
Vader/Farooq/Ramon/Diesel ended in a Double DQ..
December 2, 1996 - RAW: The
Fake Diesel defeated Phineas I. Godwinn..
December 16, 1996 - RAW: The Fake
Outsiders defeated The Godwinns (Henry & Phineas)..
December 1996: Owen
Hart & The British Bulldog defeated the Fake Outsiders to retain the Tag
Team titles..
January 6, 1997 - RAW: Doug Furnas & Phil Lafon defeated
The Fake Outsiders..
January 19, 1997 - Royal Rumble: The Fake Diesel was
one of the final 3 in the Royal Rumble match, eliminated by Bret Hart..
August 24, 1998 - RAW: Kane vs Mankind in a "Hell in a Cell" ended in a NO
August 30, 1998 - Summerslam: Kane no-showed and cause Mankind to
lose the titles to the New Age Outlaws..
September 14, 1998 - RAW: Rocky
Maivia defeated Kane..
World Wrestling Federation - Kane & The Undertaker:
Kane & Undertaker eventually became a team and dominated the World
Wrestling Federation..
September 21, 1998 - RAW: Kane & The Undertaker
defeated Steve Austin & Billy Gunn..
September 27, 1998 - Breakdown:
Kane & Undertaker both defeated Steve Austin for the WWF title, which was
immediately held up..
September 28, 1998: Rocky Maivia & Mankind &
Ken Shamrock defeated Kane & The Undertaker..
October 12, 1998 - RAW:
Steve Austin & The Rock vs Kane & The Undertaker ended in a NO CONTEST..
October 18, 1998 - Judgement Day: Undertaker vs Kane (for vacant WWF title)
was declared a no-contest by referee Steve Austin..
October 19, 1998 - RAW:
Kane vs The Undertaker in a Casket match ended in a NO CONTEST when the casket
was destroyed..
November 15, 1998 - Survivor Series: The Undertaker defeated
Kane in the first round of the WWF title Tournament..
December 14, 1998 -
RAW: Kane defeated Mankind in a "no hold barred" match..